Bronchoconstrictor (1; TRA); CNS-Sedative (1; TRA; VAG); CNS-Stimulant (1; TRA; VAG);
Fungicide (1; ZUL); Hallucinogen (1; JFM; PH2; VAG); Hypnotic (f; HHB; ZUL); Lactifuge (f;
ZUL); Mydriatic (f; CRC); Narcotic (1; CRC; ZUL); Nervine (f; HHB); Parasympatholytic (1;
PH2; TRA); Poison (1; CRC); Sedative (1; ZUL).
Indications (Jimsonweed) — Abscess (1; CRC; WBB); Acidity (f; WBB); Adenopathy (f; WBB);
Alopecia (f; CRC; WBB); Anasarca (f; CRC); Aphasia (f; CRC); Apoplexy (f; CRC); Arthrosis (1;
HHB; WBB); Asthma (f; CRC; TRA; WBB; ZUL); Ataxia (f; CRC); Boil (f; DEM; WBB; ZUL);
Bronchosis (1; CRC; TRA; WBB); Bruise (f; WBB; ZUL); Burn (1; CRC; WBB); Cancer (f; CRC);
Cancer, breast (f; CRC; JLH); Carcinoma (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (f; HHB); Catalepsy (f; CRC);
Catarrh (f; PH2); Childbirth (1; CRC; JFM); Chorea (f; CRC); Colic (f; WBB; ZIM); Convulsion
(f; PHR; PH2; WBB); Cough (f; HHB; PHR; ZIM); Cramp (1; CRC; JFM; TRA; WBB; ZUL);
Cystosis (f; CRC; WBB); Dandruff (f; WBB); Delirium (f; CRC; WBB); Dermatosis (f; CRC);
Diaphragmosis (f; CRC); Diarrhea (f; WBB); Dyspnea (1; PH2; TRA); Dysuria (f; CRC; ZIM);
Earache (f; CRC); Ecstacy (f; CRC); Emphysema (1; HHB); Enuresis (f; CRC); Epilepsy (f; CRC;
HHB; PH2; WBB); Erotomania (f; CRC); Esophagosis (f; CRC); Felon (f; JLH); Fever (f; DEM);
Fistula (f; CRC); Fits (f; WBB; ZUL); Flu (f; PHR; PH2); Fracture (f; VAG); Fungus (1; ZUL);
Gas (f; CRC); Goiter (f; ZIM); Gout (1; WBB); Headache (1; VAG; WBB; ZUL); Heatstroke (f;
CRC); Hemorrhoid (f; DEM; JFM; WBB); Hiccup (f; CRC); Hydrophobia (f; CRC); Hyperacidity
(f; CRC); Hysteria (f; CRC; VAG; ZUL); Induration (f; CRC; JLH); Infection (1; VAG; ZUL);
Inflammation (1; DEM; WBB; ZUL); Influenza (f; CRC); Insomnia (1; VAG; ZUL); Laryngosis
(f; HHB); Lochia (f; CRC); Locomotor Ataxia (f; CRC); Lumbago (f; WBB); Madness (f; LEL);
Mania (f; CRC; LEL); Melancholy (f; LEL); Meningosis (f; CRC); Motion Sickness (1; VAG);
Mycosis (1; ZUL); Nervousness (1; ZUL); Neuralgia (f; CRC; JFM; WBB); Night Sweats (f; CRC);
Nymphomania (f; CRC; HHB); Ophthalmia (f; CRC); Otosis (1; ZUL); Pain (1; CRC; JFM; PH2;
VAG; WBB; ZUL); Paralysis (f; CRC); Parasite (f; WBB); Parkinson’s Disease (1; CRC; HHB;
WBB); Pertussis (f; PHR); Phthisis (f; HHB); Pneumonia (f; DEM); Prolapse (f; CRC; JFM);
Psychosis (f; CRC); Radiculosis (f; CRC); Respirosis (f; ZUL); Rheumatism (1; CRC; JFM; PH2;
WBB); Scarlatina (f; CRC); Sciatica (f; WBB); Scirrhus (f; JLH); Scrofula (f; ZUL); Sore (f; WBB;
ZUL); Sore Throat (f; CRC; DEM; JFM); Spasm (f; CRC); Sprain (f; VAG); Stammering (f; CRC);
Stenocardia (f; CRC); Strabismus (f; CRC); Swelling (f; CRC; ZUL); Syphilis (f; HHB); Tetanus
(f; CRC; HHB); Thirst (f; CRC); Tremor (f; CRC); Trismus (f; CRC); Tuberculosis (f; HHB);
Tumor (1; JFM); Typhus (1; CRC; ZUL); Ulcer (1; JFM); Uterosis (f; JFM); VD (f; HHB; ZIM);
Wart (f; JLH); Whitlow (f; ZUL); Wound (f; DEM; WBB; ZUL).
Dosages (Jimsonweed) — 50–100 mg powdered leaf 1–3 ×/day (PH2); 50 mg seed (PH2). Indians
apply warmed leaves to the breast to reduce lactation and firm the breast (ZUL).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Jimsonweed) — Not covered (AHP). Do not
take it (JAD). Commission E reports leaf and seed not permitted for oral use. Contains toxic
belladonna alkaloids (AEH). Contraindicated in acute pulmonary edema, glaucoma, paralytic ileus,
prostatosis, pyloric stenosis, and tachycardic arrhythmia (PHR). High doses lead to central excita-
tion, compulsive chatter, delirium, hallucination, mania, and restlessness, often followed by exhaus-
tion and lethargy, and/or sleep (CRC; PH2).
JOHN CHARLES (Hyptis verticillata Jacq.) ++
Activities (John Charles) — Antibacterial (1; MPG); Anticancer (1; AAB); Antidote, hippomane
(f; AAB); Antifertility (1; X7576456); Antileukemic (1; AAB); Antiprostaglandin (1; X7617764);
Antisecretory (1; X7617764); Antiseptic (1; MPG); Aphrodisiac (f; JFM; MPG); Astringent (f;
JFM); Candidicide (1; MPG); Cytotoxic (1; AAB); Laxative (f; JFM); Molluscicide (1; AAB);
Pediculifuge (1; MPG); Secretagogue (f; JFM).