Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


growing and using both species of licorice. Those who want to be sure of Chinese licorice
indications and activities, seek out DAA (Duke and Ayensu, 1985) or FAY (Foster and Yue,
1992) below.
Activities (Licorice) — Adrenal Stimulant (1; CAN); Aldose-Reductase Inhibitor (1; CAN; MAB;
PH2); Alexeteric (f; CRC; DAA; KAB; WBB); Alterative (f; CRC; DAA; KAB); Amebicide (1;
FAY); Analgesic (1; KAB; KAP; MBB); Antacid (1; FAD); Antiaggregant (1; CAN; FAY; MAB;
PH2); Antiallergic (1; FAD; WHO); Antiangiogenic (1; PH2); Antiasthmatic (1; SKY; WHO);
Antibacterial (1; CAN; DAA; FAD; VVG); Anticariogenic (1; MAB); Anticomplementary (1;
MAB); Anticonvulsant (1; FAD); Antidepressant (1; MAB); Antidiuretic (1; MPI); Antidote (1;
MAB); Antierythemic (1; CAN); Antiencephalitic (1; MAB); Antiestrogenic (1; CAN); Antiexu-
dative (1; MPI); Antihepatosis (1; PH2); Antiinflammatory (1; DAA; PH2; SHT; WAM; VVG);
Antiherpetic (1; APA; MAB); Antihistaminic (1; MAB); Antimelanogenic (1; TAD); Antimutagenic
(1; AKT; MAB; TAD); Antioxidant (1; FNF; SKY); Antipyretic (f; CRC); Antiseptic (1; MAB);
Antispasmodic (1; CAN; KOM; VVG); Antithrombic (f; PH2); Antitumor (1; MAB); Antitussive
(2; BGB; DAA; FAD; SKY); Antiulcer (2; PED; PH2; WHO); Antiviral (1; PHR; PH2; WAM;
VVG); Aphrodisiac (f; KAB; PED); Bitter (f; KAB); Candidicide (1; APA; PH2); Chemopreventive
(1; MAB); Choleretic (1; MAB; PH2); Collyrium (f; WBB); Contraceptive (f; WHO); COX-2
Inhibitor (COX; FNF); Cyclo-oxygenase Inhibitor (1; PH2); Decongestant (1; APA); Demulcent
(1; APA; DAA; KAB; SUW; WAM; WHO); Deodorant (f; CRC); Depurative (f; CRC; DAA; KAB);
Desmutagenic (1; AKT); Detoxicant (1; AKT; FAY); Diaphoretic (f; CRC; WBB); Diuretic (f;
CRC; FAY; KAB; WBB); Emmenagogue (1; FAY; HHB; KAB; PED; WHO); Emollient (f; DAA;
KAB; SUW); Estrogenic (1; DAA; FAD; FAY; PED; WBB); Expectorant (1; APA; DAA; KOM;
MBB; PIP; WHO); Fungicide (1; PED); Hepatoprotective (1; CAN; MAB; VVG); Hypertensive
(1; MBB; PED; PH2); Immunostimulant (1; MAB; PED; PH2; VVG); Interferonigenic (1; AKT;
PH2); Lactagogue (1; KAB; PED; PH2; WHO); Laxative (1; APA; DAA; HHB; PED; SUW; WHO);
Lipoxygenase Inhibitor (1; PH2); MAOI (1; MAB); Mineralcorticoid (1; PED); Mucogenic (f;
WHO); Mutagenic (1; MAB); Pectoral (f; CRC; KAB); Peroxidase Inhibitor (1; PH2); Phospho-
lipase-A2 Inhibitor (1; MAB); PKC Inhibitor (1; MAB); Protisticide (1; MAB); Secretolytic (1;
BGB; KOM; PIP); Sedative (f; DEP); Sialagogue (f; DEP); Tonic (f; MAB; MBB; SUW); Tyro-
sinase Inhibitor (1; PH2); Vulnerary (1; VVG).
Indications (Licorice) — Abscess (f; DAA); Addison’s Disease (1; DAA; FAY; PED; WHO);
Adenopathy (f; JLH); Adrenal Insufficiency (1; CAN; PNC; WHO); Allergy (1; FAD; WHO);
Alzheimer’s (1; COX; FNF); Ameba (1; FAD; FAY); Anemia (f; DAA); Anorexia (f; DAA;
WHO); Anxiety (1; BGB); Appendicitis (f; PH2; VVG; WBB; WHO); Arthrosis (1; COX; MAB;
WHO); Asthenia (f; DAA); Asthma (1; BGB; DEP; FAD; FAY; KAB; SKY; WHO); Atheroscle-
rosis (1; AKT); Bacteria (1; CAN; DAA; FAD; VVG); Biliousness (f; KAB); BO (f; KAB); Boil
(f; DAA; MAB); BPH (1; FNF); Bronchosis (2; DEP; FAD; FAY; KAB; PHR; PH2; SKY; WHO);
Bug Bite (f; VVG); Burn (f; DAA); Cancer (1; AKT; COX; DAA; FNF; HOX; MAB; TAD);
Cancer, abdomen (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, bladder (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, breast (1; FNF; JLH);
Cancer, colon (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, gland (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, kidney (1; FNF; JLH);
Cancer, liver (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, neck (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, spleen (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer,
stomach (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, throat (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, uterus (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer,
uvula (1; FNF; JLH); Candida (1; APA; PH2); Canker Sore (SKY); Carbuncle (f; FAY; PH2);
Caries (1; WHO); Cardiopathy (f; WHO); Cataract (1; CAN); Catarrh (2; DEP; KOM; PH2; PIP;
WHO); CFS (1; MAB; SKY); Chickenpox (1; TAD); Cholecystosis (1; FAD); Cirrhosis (f; AKT);
Cold (1; APA; CRC); Colic (f; CAN; KAB); Condyloma (f; JLH); Congestion (1; APA); Con-
junctivosis (1; MAB; MPI; PH2); Constipation (1; APA; DAA; HHB; MAB; PED; PH2; SUW;
WAM; WHO); Convulsion (1; FAD); Cough (2; APA; DAA; DEP; FAD; FAY; KAB; PHR; PH2;
PED; SUW; VVG); Cramp (1; CAN; FAY; KOM; MAB; VVG); Cystosis (f; CRC; MAD);
Cytomegalovirus (1; PH2); Depression (1; MAB); Dermatosis (f; PH2); Diabetes (1; MAB);
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