KOM entries apply to turpentine of this species. This species was treated as aetheroleum, rather
intermixed under scotch pine (see below), by the Herbal PDR (PHR).
Activities (Longleaf Pine) — Antiseptic (2; KOM); Hemostat (f; FAD); Rubefacient (f; FAD).
Indications (Longleaf Pine) — Bleeding (f; FAD); Boil (f; PNC; resin); Bronchosis (2; KOM;
turpentine) (f; PNC; resin); Cold (2; PHR); Colic (f; FAD); Cough (2; PHR); Diarrhea (f; FAD);
Fever (2; PHR); Infection (2; PHR); Muscle Stiffness (f; PNC; terpentine); Neuralgia (2; KOM;
turpentine); Odontorrhagia (f; FAD); Pharyngosis (2; PHR); Rheumatism (2; FAD; KOM; PNC;
turpentine) (f; PNC; resin); Ringworm (f; PNC; resin); Sore (f; PNC); Stomatosis (2; PHR); Tumor
(f; FAD); Ulcer (f; PNC; resin).
Dosages (Longleaf Pine) — Commission E suggests several drops turpentine in hot water for
inhalation therapy (KOM). Otherwise for topical application only.
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Longleaf Pine) — Commission E reports
contraindications for EO: whooping cough; adverse effects: local irritation, exacerbation of bron-
chospasms (AEH). Though approving pure turpentine for “Chronic disease of the bronchii with
heavy secretion” (which I translate to bronchosis), Commission E contraindicates for acute inflam-
mation of the respiratory tract. Inhaled turpentine may reduce bronchial secretion (KOM). Even
topical application to too much surface area may damage the CNS and kidneys (KOM). Turpentine
is a counterirritant and rubefacient. Though also taken internally, turpentine might best be relegated
to topical uses, if any.
LONG PEPPER (Piper longum L.) +++
Activities (Long Pepper) — Abortifacient (f; KAB; MPI; SKJ); Alterative (f; KAP; MPI);
Analgesic (1; WOI); Anesthetic (1; WOI); Antiallergic (1; MPI); Antianaphylactic (f; MPI);
Antibacterial (1; MPI; WOI); Anticonvulsant (f; PR13:561); Antifertility (1; MPI); Antigiardial
(1; PR13:561); Antiinflammatory (f; WOI); Antiseptic (1; KAP); Antitubercular (1; WOI); Aph-
rodisiac (f; DEP; KAB; KAP); Cardiotonic (f; KAP); Carminative (f; DEP; KAB; SUW; WOI);
Cholagogue (f; MPI; WOI); Collyrium (f; KAB); Counterirritant (f; WOI); Diaphoretic (f; SUW);
Emmenagogue (f; DEP; KAB; MPI); Energetic (f; SUW); Errhine (f; KAB); Expectorant (f; DEP);
Fungicide (f; KAP); Hematinic (f; WOI); Hepatoprotective (1; PR13:561); Immunostimulant (1;
PR13:561); Insecticide (1; MPI); Insectifuge (1; MPI); Larvicide (f; WOI); Laxative (f; DEP;
HHB; KAB); Protisticide (1; PR13:561); Rubefacient (f; KAP); Sedative (f; MPI; WOI); Siala-
gogue (1; WOI); Stimulant (f; SUW); Stomachic (f; HHB; SKJ); Tonic (f; MPI; WOI); Vermifuge
(1; HHB; KAB; MPI).
Indications (Long Pepper) — Allergy (1; MPI); Anaphylaxis (1; MPI); Anorexia (f; MPI);
Apoplexy (f; DEP); Arthrosis (f; KAB); Ascites (f; SKJ); Asthma (f; MPI; WOI); Bacteria (1;
MPI; WOI); Bite (f; DEP); Bleeding (f; DEP; KAP; MPI); Bronchosis (f; KAB; MPI; WOI);
Callus (f; JLH); Cancer (f; JLH; KAB); Cancer, abdomen (f; JLH); Cancer, breast (f; JLH);
Cancer, colon (f; JLH); Cancer, feet (f; JLH); Cancer, liver (f; JLH); Cancer, mouth (f; JLH);
Cancer, nose (f; JLH); Cancer, spleen (f; JLH); Cancer, stomach (f; JLH); Cancer, throat (f;
JLH); Cancer, uvula (f; JLH); Cancer, womb (f; JLH); Catarrh (f; DEP); Childbirth (f; KAB;
KAP; MPI); Cholecystosis (f; MPI); Cholera (f; MPI); Cold (f; MPI; SKJ); Colic (f; DEM;
KAP); Coma (f; MPI; WOI); Condyloma (f; JLH); Constipation (f; DEP; HHB; KAB);
Convulsion (f; PR13:561); Cough (1; KAB; MPI; WOI); Cystosis (f; JLH); Diabetes (1; MPI);
Diarrhea (f; MPI; SKJ); Dropsy (f; HHB); Drowsiness (f; MPI; WOI); Dysentery (f; WOI);
Dysmenorrhea (f; DEP); Dyspepsia (f; MPI); Edema (1; MPI); Enterosis (f; DEP; JLH);
Epilepsy (f; MPI; WOI); Fever (f; DEM; SKJ; SUW); Fungus (1; KAP); Gas (f; DEP; KAB;