Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


NETTLE (Urtica dioica L.) +++

MAD entries may apply as well to Urtica urens, the smaller dog nettle.
Activities (Nettle) — Analgesic (1; CAN; DEM; PH2); Anesthetic (1; PH2); Antiadrenaline (1;
FAD); Antiallergic (1; MAB); Antiaromatase (1; SHT); Antiarthritic (1; PH2); Antiasthmatic (f;
DAW); Antibacterial (1; FAD; MAB; WOI); Anticancer (1; MAB); Anticomplementary (1; HH3);
Anticonvulsant (1; CAN); Antiedemic (1; FIT68:387; MAB); Antiexudative (1; HH3); Antihem-
orrhagic (f; CAN); Antihistaminic (1; WAM); Anti-HIV (1; PH2); Antihidrotic (f; MAD); Antiin-
flammatory (1; FIT68:387; MAB; PH2); Antileukotriene (1; PH2); Antiprostatitic (2; KOM; MAB);
Antipyretic (1; CAN); Antirheumatic (1; MAB; PH2); Antiseptic (1; CRC; PED); Antispasmodic
(f; PED); Antitumor (f; PED); Antiviral (1; MAB; FIT68:387); Aphrodisiac (f; MAD); Aquaretic
(1; SHT); Aromatase Inhibitor (1; HH3); Astringent (1; CRC; MAB; PNC; SUW); Bitter (f; PED);
Bleeding (f; CAN); Bradycardic (1; CAN); CNS Depressant (1; FAD); CVI (f; APA); Cyclo-
oxygenase Inhibitor (1; MAB; PH2); Cytotoxic (1; MAB); Depurative (f; BIB; FAD; MAB; PED);
Diuretic (2; CRC; PHR; PH2; PNC; SUW); Elastase Inhibitor (1; MAB); Emmenagogue (f; APA;
CRC; KAB; PED; SUW); Expectorant (f; MAD; PED); Fungicide (1; HH3; MAB); Hematogenic
(1; FAD; PH2; WAM); Hemostat (1; CAN; MAB; MAD; PED); Histaminic (1; FNF); Hypergly-
cemic (1; APA; CAN); Hypoglycemic (1; CAN; PNC); Hypotensive (1; CAN); Inteferonigenic (1;
CAN); Lactagogue (f; APA; CRC; MAD); Laxative (f; BGB); 5-Lipoxygenase Inhibitor (1; MAB;
PH2); Litholytic (f; MAD); Mitogenic (f; FAD); Myorelaxant (f; BGB); Pancreatonic (1; ABS);
Rubefacient (f; CRC); Tonic (f; MAB; PNC); Uterotonic (1; APA; CAN); Vasoconstrictor (f; BIB;
CRC); Vermifuge (f; BGB; CRC; KAB; PED; SUW); Vulnerary (f; MAD).
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