(1; PHR); Hepatoprotective (1; TRA); Hypocholesterolemic (1; TRA); Hypoglycemic (1; TRA);
Hypolipemic (1; TRA); Hypotensive (1; JNU; TRA); Hypouricemic (1; TRA); Immunostimulant
(1; JNU); Laxative (f; WBB; WO2); Myorelaxant (1; TRA); Orexigenic (2; BIS; JFM; KOM;
PH2); Respiradepressant (f; WBB); Secretolytic (1; PH2; TRA); Sedative (f; EFS); Stomachic
(f; WO2); Tonic (f; WO2).
Indications (Orange) — Acne (f; WO2); Anorexia (2; JFM; KOM; PH2); Asthma (1; TRA);
Biliousness (1; EFS; FNF; WO2); Bronchosis (f; JFM); Cancer (1; FNF; JAD; JLH); Cancer, breast
(1; JNU); Cancer, cervix (1; JNU); Cancer, esophagus (1; JNU); Cancer, mouth (1; JNU); Cancer,
skin (1; JNU); Cancer, stomach (1; JNU); Candida (f; JFM); Cardiopathy (1; JNU); Catarrh (f;
WO2); Cervicosis (1; JNU); Childbirth (f; JFM); Conjunctivosis (f; TRA); Constipation (f; WBB;
WO2); Convulsion (f; JFM); Cough (f; TRA); Cramp (1; EFS; TRA); Dermatosis (f; WBB);
Diabetes (1; TRA); Diarrhea (f; TRA; WO2); Dysentery (f; JFM); Dyspepsia (2; PHR; PH2);
Earache (1; TRA; WO2); Epilepsy (f; JFM); Esophagosis (1; JNU); Fever (f; JFM; TRA; WO2);
Flu (1; JNU; TRA); Gas (f; JFM); Gastrosis (1; JFM; JNU); Gout (1; TRA); Headache (f; TRA);
Hepatosis (1; TRA); Herpes (1; JNU); High Blood Pressure (1; JNU; TRA); High Cholesterol (1;
JNU; TRA); Hyperglycemia (1; TRA); Hysteria (f; JFM); Immunodepression (1; JNU); Infection
(1; JNU); Inflammation (1; JNU; TRA); Insomnia (f; EFS); Malaria (f; WBB); Nervousness (f;
EFS); Obesity (1; TRA); Palpitation (f; JFM); Pneumonia (f; JFM); Polio (1; JNU); Psoriasis (f;
WBB); Sore (f; JLH); Splenomegaly (1; WBB); Stroke (1; JNU); Toothache (f; WO2); Ulcer (1;
TRA); Virus (1; JNU); Worm (f; JFM).
Dosages (Orange) — Juice is a food pharmaceutical; 1 tsp chopped rind/cup water; 20 drops
tincture 3 ×/day for Citrus aurantium (APA); 10–15 g pericarp (KOM).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Orange) — Other species are Class 1; this
species is a food, and is not covered (AHP). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper
therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Commission E reports possible photosensitivity (PHR). None known
(KOM). Coumarins may photosensitize and may interact with other anticoagulants. Convulsions,
enteric colic, and even death are reported in children following ingestion of large amounts of orange
peel (AHP, speaking of C. aurantium, not this species, but the same chemicals, hence warning
should prevail). Extract LD50 = 7000 mg/kg mouse; safe dose 5000, surely fatal dose 10,000
ORANGE PEEL (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) ++
Synonyms: C. aurantium var. sinensis L., C. macracantha Hassk.
Activities (Orange Peel) — Antigastric (1; TRA); Antihistaminic (1; TRA); Antispasmodic (1;
TRA); Digestive (PHR); Gastrostimulant (1; PHR); Orexigenic (2; BIS; KOM); Secretolytic (1;
Indications (Orange Peel) — Anorexia (2; KOM); Cramp (1; TRA); Dyspepsia (2; PHR).
Dosages (Orange Peel) — 1 tsp chopped rind/cup water; 20 drops tincture 3 ×/day for Citrus
aurantium (APA); 10–15 g pericarp (KOM).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Orange Peel) — Other species are Class 1;
this species, a food, is not covered. (AHP). Commission E reports possibility photosensitivity
(PHR). None known (KOM). Coumarins may photosensitize and may interact with other antico-
agulants. Convulsions, enteric colic, and even death are reported in children following ingestion
of large amounts of orange peel (AHP, speaking of C. aurantium, not this species, but the same
chemicals, hence warning should prevail).