Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Puffball) — Not covered (AHP; KOM).
“Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates
no specific quantified dosage! JAD).

PULSATILLA, PASQUEFLOWER (Anemone pulsatilla L.) X

Synonyms: A. serotina (Schur) Coste, Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill., P. vulgaris var. serotina Schur.

Activities (Pulsatilla) — Abortifacient (1; APA); Allergenic (1; APA); Alterative (f; CRC; PNC);
Analgesic (f; CAN); Antibacterial (1; APA); Antidote (f; CRC); Antimotility (1; PH2); Antipyretic
(1; APA); Antiseptic (1; PH2); Antispasmodic (f; APA; PNC); Candidicide (1; HH2); Carcinogenic
(1; HH2); Diuretic (f; CRC); Emmenagogue (f; CRC); Expectorant (f; CRC); Fungicide (1; HH2);
Nervine (f; PNC); Poison (1; PH2); Sedative (1; APA; CAN); Teratogenic (1; APA); Uterotonic
(1; APA; CAN).

Indications (Pulsatilla) — Amaurosis (f; MAD); Amblyopia (f; MAD); Amenorrhea (f; CRC;
MAD; PNC); Anemia (f; MAD); Arthrosis (f; MAD); Asthma (f; APA; CRC); Bacteria (1; APA;
CRC); Biliousness (f; CRC); BPH (f; MAD); Bronchosis (f; CRC); Cancer (f; JLH); Candida (1;
HH2); Caries (f; MAD); Cataract (f; APA; PH2); Catarrh (f; CRC; PNC); Childbirth (f; PH2);
Chlorosis (f; MAD); Cholecystosis (f; MAD); Convulsion (f; MAD); Cornea (f; MAD); Cough (f;
APA; HH2); Cramp (f; APA; PNC); Cystosis (f; PH2); Depression (f; APA; PH2); Dermatosis (f;
APA; MAD; PHR; PH2); Diarrhea (f; CRC); Dysmenorrhea (f; APA; CRC; MAD; PH2); Dyspepsia
(f; APA; CRC; MAD); Earache (f; APA; CRC); Endometriosis (f; MAD); Enterosis (f; APA; PHR;
PH2); Epididymosis (f; CAN); Erysipelas (f; MAD); Escherichia (1; HH2); Exanthema (f; MAD);
Fever (1; APA; MAD); Fungus (1; HH2); Gastrosis (f; APA; CRC; PHR; PH2); Glaucoma (f; APA;
PH2); Gout (f; CRC; MAD); Headache (f; APA; CRC; MAD); Hemicrania (f; CRC); Hemorrhoid
(f; MAD); Hyperactivity (f; APA); Hyperemesis (f; MAD); Hysteria (f; MAD); Infection (1; APA;
HH2; PHR; PH2); Inflammation (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Insomnia (1; APA; CAN; PH2); Irosis (f;
PH2); Itch (f; CRC); Leukorrhea (f; MAD); Measles (f; CRC; PH2); Migraine (f; APA; CRC; HH2;
PH2); Mucososis (f; PHR; PH2); Mycosis (1; HH2; PH2); Nausea (f; HH2); Nervousness (1; APA;
CAN); Neuralgia (f; APA; CRC; HH2; PHR; PH2); Nyctalopia (f; MAD); Ophthalmia (f; CRC;
PH2); Orchosis (f; CAN; MAD); Otosis (f; PH2); Ovariosis (f; CAN); Pain (f; CAN; HH2);
Paralysis (f; MAD); Parotosis (f; PH2); Pertussis (f; CRC); Pharyngosis (f; MAD); Pterygium (f;
JLH); Pulmonosis (f; APA); Restlessness (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Rheumatism (f; CRC; PH2);
Rhinosis (f; APA; CRC; MAD); Salmonella (1; HH2); Sclerite (f; PH2); Scrofula (f; MAD); Shigella
(1; HH2); Sore (f; MAD); Sore Throat (f; HH2); Staphylococcus (1; HH2); Stomachache (f; MAD);
Toothache (f; APA; CRC); Tuberculosis (1; HH2); Ulcus cruris (f; MAD); Uterosis (f; APA);
Urogenosis (f; CAN; PH2); Urticaria (f; APA); Uterosis (f; MAD); Wart (f; APA; CRC; JLH;
MAD); Yeast (1; HH2).

Dosages (Pulsatilla) — Don’t take it! (APA); 0.12–0.3 g herb, or in tea, 3 ×/day (CAN); 0.1–0.4
g powdered herb (MAD); 0.12–0.3 ml liquid herb extract (PNC); 0.12–0.3 ml liquid herbal extract
(1:1 in 25% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 0.3–1.0 ml herb tincture (1:10 in 40% ethanol) 3 ×/day
(CAN); 0.3–2 ml herb tincture (PNC).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Pulsatilla) — Not covered (AHP). Hazards
and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages of the dehydrated herbs” (PH2). Com-
mission E reports higher doses of herb may irritate the kidneys and urinary tract, and pregnancy is
an absolute contraindication (AEH). CAN does not recommend it for internal use and caution
protanemonin is allergenic and irritant. Pulsatilla contact has caused hyperpigmentative vesicles.
Because it is an irritant (fresh plant), and reputed to affect the menstrual cycle and cause uterine
activity, in vitro and in vivo, its use in pregnancy and lactation is to be avoided. Inhalation of EO
can irritate conjunctiva and nasal mucosa (CAN).

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