Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rehmannia) — Class 2d. Raw root contrain-
dicated with diarrhea and inappetence; cooked root contraindicated in diarrhea and dyspepsia. Side
effects include diarrhea, dizziness, colic, lack of energy, and palpitations (AHP; AKT). “Health
hazards not known with proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2).
REISHI (Ganoderma lucidum) +
Activities (Reishi) — Adaptogen (f; WAM); Analgesic (1; APA); Antiaging (f; APA); Antiaggregant
(1; APA; SKY); Antiallergic (1; APA); Antibacterial (1; WAM); Anticonvulsant (1; APA); Antihista-
minic (1; APA; JNP64:1121); Antiinflammatory (1; APA; WAM); Antioxidant (1; APA); Antitumor (1;
APA; JNP64:1121); Antiviral (1; WAM); Cytotoxic (1; JNP64:1121); Expectorant (1; WAM); Hepato-
protective (1; APA; JNP64:1121); Hypertensive (1; APA); Hypoglycemic (1; APA; JNP64:1121);
Hypotensive (1; APA; JNP64:1121; SKY); Hypotriglyceridemic (f; SKY); Immunostimulant (1; APA;
WAM); Myorelaxant (1; JNP64:1121); Radioprotective (1; APA); Sedative (1; APA).
Indications (Reishi) — Allergy (1; APA; WAM); Altitude Sickness (1; SKY; WAM); Anorexia (1;
APA); Asthma (f; JNP64:1121); Atherosclerosis (1; APA); Bacteria (1; WAM); Bronchosis (1; WAM;
JNP64:1121); Cachexia (f; APA); Cancer (1; APA; WAM; JNP64:1121); Chemotherapy (1; APA;
SKY); Convulsion (1; APA); Cough (f; APA); Debility (f; JNP64:1121); Dyspepsia (f; APA); Fatigue
(1; APA; SKY; JNP64:1121); Hemorrhoid (f; JNP64:1121); Hepatosis (1; APA; SKY; JNP64:1121);
High Blood Pressure (1; APA; JNP64:1121; SKY); High Cholesterol (1; APA; WAM); High Triglyc-
erides (f; SKY); HIV (1; WAM); Hyperglycemia (1; APA; JNP64:1121); Immunodepression (1; APA;
WAM); Inflammation (1; APA; WAM); Insomnia (1; APA; JNP64:1121); Low Blood Pressure (1;
APA); Nervousness (1; APA); Neurasthenia (f; JNP64:1121); Pain (1; APA); Respirosis (1; WAM);
Stress (f; APA); Tumor (1; APA; JNP64:1121); Vertigo (f; JNP64:1121); Virus (1; WAM).
Dosages (Reishi) — 3–6 (606 mg) capsules/day (APA); 1.5–9 dry mushroom/day(SKY); 1–1.5 g
powdered mushroom (SKY); 1 ml tincture (SKY).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Reishi) — Class 1. After 3–6 months con-
sumption, rare individuals report bloody stools. Dizziness, dryness of mouth, throat and nasal area,
epistaxis, itchiness, stomach upset (after using for 3–6 months) (AHP; SKY). Do not mix with
other antiaggregants (SKY). Pregnant and lactating women should take only on advice of health
practitioner (SKY). Rarely used with children, yet of low toxicity (WAM). May cause allergy (APA).
RESTHARROW (Ononis spinosa L.) +
Activities (Restharrow) — Antiedemic (1; HH2; PH2); Antiscorbutic (1; HHB); Antiseptic (1;
HHB); Aperient (f; EFS); Cardiotonic (f; MAD); Depurative (f; MAD); Diuretic (2; HHB; HH2;
PIP; PH2); Estrogenic (1; HH2; PH2); Hemolytic (f; MAD); Litholytic (2; PH2).
Indications (Restharrow) — Adenopathy (f; FEL); Adiposis (f; MAD); Anasarca (f; MAD);
Arthrosis (f; MAD); Ascites (f; MAD); Bladder Stone (2; PHR; PH2); Bleeding (f; MAD); Cancer
(f; JLH); Catarrh (f; MAD); Cystosis (f; MAD); Dermatosis (f; MAD); Dropsy (f; FEL; MAD);
Dysuria (f; MAD); Eczema (f; HHB); Edema (1; HH2; MAD; PH2); Epistaxis (f; MAD);
Exanthema (f; MAD); Gonorrhea (f; MAD); Gout (f; HH2; PHR; PH2); Gravel (2; KOM; PIP;
PH2); Halitosis (f; MAD); Hepatosis (f; PH2); Hydrocele (f; FEL); Inflammation (f; PH2); Itch
(f; MAD); Jaundice (f; HH2); Kidney Stone (2; HHB; MAD; PHR; PH2); Leukorrhea (f; MAD);
Nephrosis (2; HHB; KOM; MAD; PIP); Rheumatism (f; HHB; MAD; PHR; PH2); Scrofula (f;
MAD); Seborrhea (f; MAD); Sore (f; JLH); Stone (2; MAD; PH2) Swelling (1; HH2; PH2);
Toothache (f; FEL); UTI (2; KOM; PIP; PH2); VD (f; MAD); Water Retention (2; HHB; HH2;
PIP; PH2); Wound (f; HHB).