Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


Antiprostaglandin (1; KEB); Antipyretic (1; KEB); Antisarcomic (1; KEB); Antiseptic (1; CRC;
PNC); Antispasmodic (1; PNC); Antithromboxane (1; KEB); Antitoxic (1; KEB); Antitumor
(1; KEB); Antiuremic (f; KEB); Antiviral (1; KEB); Aperient (1; CRC; WHO); Aperitif (f;
PH2); Astringent (1; CRC; EFS; FAY; PNC; WHO); Bitter (1; KEB); Cholagogue (1; APA;
PHR; MAD); Choleretic (1; FAY; PNC); Cholinergic (1; PNC); Cytotoxic (1; BGB; FNF);
Depurative (f; APA; EFS; PHR); Estrogenic (f; SHT); Fungicide (1; KEB); Hemostat (1; APA;
KEB); Hydragogue (1; PH2); Hypocholesterolemic (1; KEB); Hypotensive (1; CRC); Laxative
(1; APA; CAN; CRC; FAY; PH2; PNC; SKY); Mutagenic (1; KEB); Parasiticide (1; KEB);
Peristaltic (1; PH2; PNC); Stomachic (f; CRC; EFS; FAY; MAD; PNC); Tonic (f; FEL; PNC);
Trichomonicide (1; KEB); Vulnerary (1; APA).
Indications (Rhubarb) — Aggressiveness (1; KEB); Alcoholism (f; AKT); Alzheimer’s (1; COX;
FNF); Amenorrhea (f; FAY; PH2; PNC); Anorexia (f; PH2); Appendicitis (f; FAY); Arthrosis (1;
COX; FNF); Asthma (f; AKT); Bacteria (1; AKT; EFS; FAY; KEB); Bleeding (1; AKT; APA; KEB;
MAD); Burn (f; CRC; DAA; FAY; PH2; PNC); Cancer (1; APA; BGB; COX; DAA; FNF; KEB);
Cancer, bladder (f; JLH); Cancer, breast (1; CRC; HHB); Cancer, cervix (f; JLH); Cancer, kidney
(f; JLH); Cancer, larynx (f; JLH); Cancer, liver (f; JLH); Cancer, spleen (f; JLH); Cancer, stomach
(f; JLH); Cancer, uterus (f; JLH); Carbuncle (f; FAY; PNC); Catarrh (f; PH2); Cholecystosis (1;
KEB; MAD); Cholera (f; FEL; MAD); Cirrhosis (f; AKT); Cold (f; MAD); Colic (f; CRC);
Conjunctivosis (f; FAY); Constipation (2; APA; CAN; CRC; FAY; KOM; PH2; PNC; SHT; SKY;
WHO); Cough (f; MAD); Cramp (1; MAD; PNC); Delirium (f; FAY; FEL; PH2); Dermatosis (f;
FAY; PH2); Diarrhea (1; CAN; CRC; PH2; SHT); Dropsy (f; CRC; MAD); Dysentery (2; AKT;
EFS; FAY; KEB; MAD); Dysmenorrhea (f; DAA; MAD); Dyspepsia (f; DAA; SHT); Dysuria (f;
DAA); Eclampsia (1; APA); Edema (f; FAY; PH2); Endometriosis (2; APA; KEB); Enterosis (2;
FAY; KEB; PH2; PNC); Epistaxis (f; FAY); Fever (1; APA; CRC; DAA; KEB; MAD); Flu (1;
KEB); Fungus (1; KEB); Gallstone (f; AKT); Gas (1; FAY); Gastrosis (1; KEB; MAD; PHR; PH2;
SHT); Gastrorrhagia (f; APA); Gingivosis (1; FAY; KEB); Glossosis (f; FAY); Gout (f; MAD);
Headache (f; APA; CRC; FAY); Hematemesis (f; FAY); Hemophilia (1; KEB); Hemorrhoid (1;
APA; FEL); Hepatosis (2; AKT; FAY; KEB; MAD); Herpes (1; FAY; KEB); High Blood Pressure
(2; CRC; APA; KEB); High Cholesterol (2; KEB); High Triglycerides (2; KEB); Hyperlipidemia
(1; KEB); Hypotension (f; WHO); Infection (1; CRC; FAY; KEB); Inflammation (1; AKT; APA;
COX; FNF; KEB; PNC); Irritability (1; KEB); Jaundice (1; DAA; FAY; KEB; MAD; PNC);
Leukemia (1; CRC; KEB); Malaria (f; CRC; DAA); Mycosis (1; KEB); Nephrosis (1; AKT; APA;
KEB); Neurasthenia (f; AKT); Obesity (1; AKT; APA; PHR); Odontosis (f; PH2); Pain (1; APA;
FAY; KEB; PH2); Pancreatosis (1; KEB); Parasite (1; KEB); Pregnancy (f; APA); Rheumatism (f;
MAD); Shingles (f; FAY); Sore (1; APA; CRC; DAA; FAY); Splenosis (f; MAD); Staphylococcus
(f; FAY); Stomachache (f; APA); Stomatosis (1; FAY; FEL; KEB); Stone (f; AKT); Streptococcus
(f; FAY); Swelling (f; FAY); Tenesmus (f; PH2); Toothache (f; APA; CRC; FAY); Trichomonas (1;
AKT); Tumor (1; KEB); Ulcer (1; KEB); Uremia (1; AKT); Vaginosis (1; AKT; KEB); Virus (1;
KEB); Water Retention (f; MAD); Worm (f; MAD); Wound (f; APA).
Dosages (Rhubarb) — 0.5–1.5 g dry plant (WHO); 0.2–1.0 g root (CAN); 0.1–4 g root (SHT);
0.12–4.8 g root (APA); 1–5 g root (AHP); 3–12 g root (FAY); 3–12 g root/day (APA; FAY); 0.1–0.3
g root as stomachic, 1–2 g as laxative (MAD); 1–2 g root as laxative, 0.1–0.2 g as astringent and
stomachic (PHR; PH2); 1–6 g powdered root (AKT); 0.1–0.2 g powdered root/cup 1–2 ×/day
(APA); 0.1–1 tsp (0.25–2.5 g) powdered root/cup water 1–2 ×/day (APA); 1–6 g dry root/day or
2–12 ml fluid extract (1:2) (KEB); 120–500 mg dry root extract (PNC); up to 15 ml root tincture
(PNC); up to 15 ml tincture/day (APA); 20–30 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives/day calculated
as rhein (KOM); 10–30 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives at bedtime (WHO).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rhubarb) — Class 2b, 2c, 2d. Beware of
anthraquinones, oxalates, and tannins (AHP). Commission E reports for bark, contraindications,
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