(f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Ulcer (f; DEM); Uterosis (f; JFM); Vomiting (f; CAN); Wart (f; JLH);
Water Retention (f; CRC); Worm (f; HHB; JFM).
Dosages (Roman Chamomile) — 1 g flower as tea 3 ×/day (CAN); 1–4 ml (1:1 in 70% ethanol)
3 ×/day (CAN); 2–4 ml liquid floral extract (PNC); 0.1–0.5 g floral extract (PNC); 0.03–2 ml
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Roman Chamomile) — Class 2b (AHP).
“Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). CAN cautions
that the sesquiterpene lactones may cause allergic reactions. Because it is reputed to be an
abortifacient and to affect the menstrual cycle with excessive use, its use in pregnancy and
lactation is to be avoided. Because of coumarin content, may interfere with anticoagulant
therapy (CAN). Azulenes, documented as antiinflammatory and hypoallergenic, may prevent
allergic seizures in guinea pigs, perhaps through antihistaminic activity.
ROSE BAY, ROSE LAUREL (Nerium oleander L.) X
Synonyms: N. indicum Mill., N. odorum Aiton.
Treated separately in HH2; aggregated here.
Activities (Rose Bay) — Abortifacient (1; HH2; WBB); Adaptogen (1; KAP); Analgesic (1;
KAP; MPI); Antibacterial (1; WBB; WOI); Anticancer (1; CRC; MPI); Antiedemic (f; MPI);
Antiinflammatory (1; KAP; MPI); Antipyretic (1; KAP; MPI); Antiseptic (1; JFM; WBB);
Antistress (1; MPI); Antiulcer (1; MPI); Aphrodisiac (1; KAB); Bradycardic (1; MPI); Cardiac
(1; BIB; CRC); Cardiotonic (1; BIB; CRC; KAP; WOI); CNS Depressant (1; KAP); Cyanogenic
(1; BIB; CRC); Diuretic (1; BIB; CRC; EFS; KAP; WOI); Emetic (1; CRC; MPI); Emmenagogue
(1; BIB; CRC; HH2; MAD); Fungicide (1; MPI); Insecticide (f; CRC); Insectifuge (f; BIB;