(1; CRC); Antioxidant (f; WBB); Antiseptic (1; PH2); Antispasmodic (1; AAB; APA; JFM; PH2);
Antithrombic (1; CRC); Antitussive (1; APA); Aperitif (f; EFS); Aphrodisiac (f; CRC; MAD);
Astringent (1; APA); Bitter (1; APA); Carminative (f; MAD); Chemopreventive (1; CRC); Choleretic
(f; CRC; MAD); CNS Stimulant (f; JFM); Collyrium (f; WBB); Contraceptive (1; PHR; PH2);
Decongestant (f; JFM); Diaphoretic (f; JFM); Ecbolic (f; WBB); Emetic (1; JFM); Emmenagogue
(1; AAB; APA; JFM); Fungicide (1; APA); Hemostat (f; CRC; EFS); Hirudicide (1; CRC; HH2);
Hypotensive (1; CRC; WBB); Insectifuge (1; AAB; APA); Insecticide (1; CRC); Memorigenic (f;
DEP; IHB); Myorelaxant (1; APA); Nematicide (1; CRC); Nervine (f; EFS; MAD); Phototoxic (1;
CRC; PH2); Radioprotective (f; CRC; WBB); Rubefacient (1; JFM); Sedative (1; APA); Stimulant
(f; CRC); Stomachic (f; JFM; WBB); Uterotonic (1; AHP; CRC; PH2); Vermicide (1; AAB; APA;
CRC); Vermifuge (1; EFS; HH2; JFM; WBB).
Indications (Rue) — Adenopathy (f; JLH); Ague (f; CRC); Amenorrhea (f; CRC); Anorexia (f;
EFS); Asthenia (f; MAD); Asthma (f; WBB); Atherosclerosis (1; CRC); Backache (f; AAB; PH2);
Bacteria (1; AAB; APA; WBB); Bleeding (f; CRC; EFS); Blepharosis (f; MAD); Bruise (f; PH2);
Cancer (1; CRC; JLH); Cancer, breast (1; CRC; JLH); Cancer, colon (1; CRC; JLH); Cancer, liver
(1; CRC; JLH); Cancer, mouth (1; CRC; JLH); Cancer, rectum (1; CRC; JLH); Cancer, spleen (1;
CRC; JLH); Cancer, stomach (1; CRC; JLH); Cancer, testicle (1; CRC; JLH); Cancer, uterus (1;
CRC; JLH); Capillary Fragility (1; CRC; VVG; WBB); Cardiopathy (f; JFM; MAD; WBB);
Childbirth (f; AAB; CRC; WBB); Colic (f; DEP; WBB); Congestion (f; JFM; MAD); Conjuncti-
vosis (f; MAD); Convulsion (f; VVG; WBB); Corn (f; JLH); Cough (1; APA; CRC; DEM); Cramp
(1; AAB; APA; JFM; PHR; PH2); Croup (f; CRC; WOI); CVI (1; VVG); Dermatosis (f; PHR;
PH2); Diarrhea (f; PHR; PH2; WBB); Dysmenorrhea (1; APA; PH2; WBB); Dyspepsia (1; APA;
PHR; PH2); Earache (f; DEM; PHR; PH2; VVG; WBB); Edema (1; CRC); Encephalosis (f; HH2);
Enterosis (1; APA; CRC; PH2); Epilepsy (f; AAB; DEP; EL; HH2; VVG; WBB); Epistaxis (f;
MAD); Escherichia (f; HH2); Fever (f; AAB; IHB; JFM; PHR; PH2; VVG); Fibroid (f; JLH); Fit
(f; VVG; WBB); Fungus (1; APA; JLH); Gangrene (f; DEM); Gas (f; MAD); Gingivosis (f; JFM);
Gout (f; MAD; VVG); Headache (f; AAB; JFM); Head Cold (f; MAD); Heart (f; CRC); Hemorrhoid
(f; MAD); Hepatosis (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); High Blood Pressure (1; CRC; VVG; WBB); Hysteria
(f; DEM; DEP; HH2; VVG; WBB); Induration (f; CRC); Infection (1; APA; DEM; PHR; PH2);
Inflammation (1; CRC; PH2); Insomnia (1; APA; HH2); Ischiosis (f; MAD); Jaundice (f; WBB);
Lumbago (f; MAD); Measles (f; CRC; JFM); Multiple Sclerosis (f; HH2); Myalgia (f; AAB);
Mycosis (1; APA); Nausea (f; AAB); Nerves (f; AAB); Nervousness (1; APA); Neuralgia (f; MAD);
Neurasthenia (f; MAD); Nightmare (f; CRC); Ophthalmia (f; JFM); Ozena (f; MAD); Pain (1;
DEM; FEL; HH2; VVG); Palsy (f; DEM); Paralysis (f; DEM); Pharyngosis (f; PHR; PH2); Psoriasis
(1; CRC); Respirosis (f; WBB); Rheumatism (f; PH2; VVG); Rhinosis (f; JFM); Scabies (f; IHB);
Scarlet Fever (f; CRC; JFM; WBB); Sciatica (f; CRC); Scirrhus (f; CRC); Scleroma (f; CRC);
Shock (1; JFM; WBB); Spine (f; PH2); Sprain (f; PH2); Staphylococcus (1; HH2); Stomachache
(f; DEM; MAD); Stomatosis (f; PHR); Stroke (f; CRC); Syncope (f; AAB); Thrombosis (1; CRC);
Ticks (f; IHB); Toothache (f; PHR; PH2; VVG; WBB); Tuberculosis (1; AAB); Typhoid (f; WBB);
Uterosis (f; CRC; PHR); Varicosis (1; MAD; PH2); Vertigo (f; CRC; DEP; MAD); Wart (f; CRC;
JLH); Whitlow (f; JLH); Worm (1; AAB; APA; CRC; PH2).
Dosages (Rue) — Should not be used (APA); 0–1.5 g herb as emmenagogue (MAD); 0.5–1 g
herb, several ×/day (PH2); 1–2 tsp herb/cup water 1–3 ×/day (RFW); 1–2 g dried herb (PNC); herb
juice applied directly in earache and toothache (PH2), not me; 2–4 ml liquid herb extract (PNC);
2–6 drops EO (HH2).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rue) — Class 1 (AHP), U.S. regulations
prohibit food use at levels of 2 ppm. Class 2b, 2d. Contraindicated in poor kidney function; avoid
excess sunlight (AHP). Commission E reports leaf and herb EO is toxic and can produce contact
dermatosis. Phototoxic reactions are possible (furocoumarins) (AEH). Though loaded with antis-