Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


MAD); Eczema (f; CEB); Emphysema (f; MAD); Enuresis (f; MAD); Fever (f; APA; FAD; FEL;
TOM); Hemorrhoid (f; CEB); Hoarseness (f; FEL); Inflammation (1; APA; DEM); Laryngosis (f;
MAD); Mucososis (f; TOM); Ophthalmia (f; MAD); Pain (1; FAD); Pertussis (f; MAD; TOM);
Pharyngosis (1; CAN); Photophobia (f; MAD); Phthisis (f; MAD); Pleurisy (f; APA; FAD; MAD);
Pneumonia (f; FAD; FEL; MAD; TOM); Pulmonosis (f; MAD); Respirosis (2; DEM; FAD; KOM;
PH2; PIP); Rheumatism (1; DEM; FAD; MAD; TOM); Smallpox (f; TOM); Snakebite (f; APA; CEB;
TOM); Sore Throat (f; FEL); Swelling (f; FAD); Syphilis (f; CEB); Toothache (f; DEM); Tracheosis
(1; PHR; PH2); Tuberculosis (f; MAD); Typhoid (f; FEL); Water Retention (f; FAD; FEL); Wound (f;

Dosages (Senega Root) — Root 3 ×/day (AHP; KOM); 0.5–2 g root, several ×/day (MAD); 1.5–3
g root (PIP); 0.5 g (ca. 1/5 tsp) root/cup tea/day, not to exceed 3 g/day (APA); 0.5 g root/cup
(HHB); 0.5–1.0 g dry root, or in tea, 3 ×/day (CAN); 0.5–1 g powdered root (PNC); 2.5–5 ml
concentrated root tea (PNC); 0.3–1 ml liquid root extract (CAN; PNC); 1.5–3 g fluid root extract
(KOM; PIP); 2.5–7.5 g root tincture (KOM; PIP); 2.5–5 ml root tincture (CAN; PNC).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Senega Root) — Class 2b. Emmenagogue and
uterotonic. Contraindicated in gastric ulcers and gastrosis; not for long-term use (AHP). Commission
E reports root permitted for oral use. No contraindications, adverse effects, or interactions, except for
GI irritation from continued or prolonged use (AEH; KOM). The Herbal HDR cautions that overdos-
age leads to diarrhea, gastric complaints, nausea, and queasiness (PHR). CAN cautions that saponins
can irritate GI tract. Polygalic acid and senegin irritate the GI mucosa and may cause a reflex secretion
of mucus in the bronchioles. Large doses may cause purging and vomiting (CAN).

Extracts (Senega Root) — One antiinflammatory triterpenic acid is useful for eczema, graft
rejection, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis, according to a French patent mentioned by CAN.
Looking at that suggests, to me, that the acid has immunosuppressant activity, which would be
contraindicated in most diseases. Saponins can be hemolytic and a GI irritant (CAN). Hemolytic
saponins are toxic when injected iv, but have low toxicity when given orally since they don’t cross
GI mucosa (CAN). Free saponins in GI tract may react with mucosa, causing an increased perme-
ability of small intestine to intraluminal solutes and inhibiting active nutrient absorption. This
activity may facilitate entry of antigens and active food peptides into the blood circulation with
adverse (and I also suppose good) side effects (CAN).

SENSITIVE PLANT (Mimosa pudica L.) ++

Activities (Sensitive Plant) — Abortifacient (f; JFM); Analgesic (f; AAB); Antibacterial (1; AAB);
Antiinflammatory (1; AAB); Antipyretic (f; JFM); Antispasmodic (1; AAB); Antiviral (1; AAB);
Depurative (f; KAB); Diaphoretic (f; KAB); Diuretic (f; AAB; JFM); Emetic (f; JFM); Myorelaxant
(f; AAB); Sedative (f; AAB); Tonic (f; KAB); Vermifuge (f; ZUL).

Indications (Sensitive Plant) — Adenopathy (f; JLH); Asthma (f; KAB); Backache (f; AAB);
Bacteria (1; AAB); Biliousness (f; KAB); Calculus (f; KAB); Cancer (f; KAB); Conjunctivosis (f;
KAB); Convulsion (f; KAB; ZUL); Cramp (1; AAB); Dysmenorrhea (f; ZUL); Dysuria (f; JFM;
WOI); Eczema (f; JFM); Edema (f; KAB); Fatigue (f; KAB); Fever (f; JFM; KAB); Fistula (f;
KAB); Gravel (f; WOI); Guinea Worm (f; KAB); Hemorrhoid (f; KAB; WOI); Hydrocele (f; KAB);
Infection (1; AAB); Inflammation (1; AAB; KAB); Insomnia (f; AAB; ZUL); Jaundice (f; KAB);
Leprosy (f; KAB); Leukoderma (f; KAB); Lumbago (f; JFM); Myalgia (f; KAB); Nephrosis (f;
JFM); Nervousness (f; AAB; ZUL); Pain (f; AAB; KAB); Palpitation (f; ZUL); Rheumatism (f;
KAB); Scrofula (f; KAB); Sinusosis (f; WOI); Smallpox (f; KAB); Snakebite (f; KAB); Sore (f;
WOI); Staphylococcus (1; AAB); Sting (f; KAB); Teething (f; ZUL); Tumor (f; JLH); Ulcer (f;
KAB); Uterosis (f; KAB); Vaginosis (f; KAB); Virus (1; AAB); Water Retention (f; AAB; JFM);
Worm (f; ZUL).

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