Australia 17 - Adelaide & South Australia (Chapter)

(Darren Dugan) #1
Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A


Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A


Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A


3hr  adult/child $45/30) (^) S Family-friendly
guided kayak tours around the Port River
estuary (dolphins, mangroves, shipwrecks).
Also offers kayak hire.
Temptation ̈Sailing ̈ DOLPHINWATCHING
(Map  p732;%0412  811  838;  www �dolphinboat�
com �au; HoldfastShoresMarina,Glenelg;3½hr dol-
phin  watch/swim $68/98) (^) S Eco-accredited
catamaran cruises to watch or swim with
dolphins. There are twilight and 1½-hour
day cruises too.
Dolphin ̈Explorer ̈Cruises ̈ DOLPHINWATCHING
(Map p732; %08-84472366;www �dolphinexplorer�
com �au; CommercialRd, Port Adelaide;2hr cruises
from adult/child$10/6;hdaily) (^) S Cruises de-
part from Port Adelaide’s Fishermen’s Wharf
to ogle the local bottlenose dolphins. Lots of
cruise-and-dine options also available.
Adelaide ̈Scuba ̈ DIVING
(Map p732; %08-82947744; www �adelaidescuba�
com �au;  Patawalonga Frontage, Glenelg North;
h9am-5�30pm Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm Sat  & Sun)
Hires out snorkelling gear (per day $30)
and runs local dives (single/double dive
Adelaide ̈Gondola ̈ BOATING
(Map p728;%08-83581800;www �adelaidegondo-
la �com �au; War MemorialDr, NorthAdelaide;4peo-
ple per 40 min $110) Maybe if you, it
still doesn’t look like Venice. But cruising the
River Torrens may still float your boat. You
can even order a bottle of wine!
T ̈Tours
A great way to see Adelaide is to circle
around the main sights on the free ̈ city ̈
buses (see p739). Beyond the city, day tours
cover the Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu Peninsula,
Barossa Valley and Clare Valley. Note that
one-day trips to the Flinders Ranges and
Kangaroo Island tend to be rushed and not
great value for money.
Adelaide’s ̈Top ̈Food ̈
& ̈Wine ̈Tours ̈ FOOD&WINE
(%08-83860888;www �topfoodandwinetours�com �
au) Uncovers SA’s gastronomic soul with
dawn ($65 including breakfast) and morn-
ing ($50) tours of the buzzing Central Mar-
ket where stallholders introduce their pro-
duce. Adelaide Hills, McLaren Vale, Barossa
and Clare Valley tours also available.
The free monthly paper Adelaide’s ̈Child (www�adelaideschild�com� au), available at cafes
and libraries, is largely advertorial but contains comprehensive events listings. Adelaide
for Kids: A Guide for Parents, by James Muecke, has comprehensive details and is avail-
able at bookshops.
There are few kids who won’t love the tram ̈ride from the city down to Glenelg (kids
under five ride for free!). You may have trouble getting them off the tram − the lure of a
splash in the shallows at the beach followed by some fish and chips on the lawn should
do the trick.
During school holidays, the South Australian Museum (p717), State ̈Library ̈of ̈
South ̈Australia (%08-82077250;www �slsa� sa� gov �au;cnrNorthTce&KintoreAve, 1stfl;
h10am-8pmMon-Wed&Fri,to6pmThu&Fri,to5pmSat&Sun), Art Gallery of South Aus-
tralia (p717), Adelaide Zoo (p717) and Adelaide Botanic Garden (p718) run inspired kid-
and family-oriented programs with accessible and interactive general displays. The Art
Gallery also runs a START ̈at ̈the ̈Gallery kids’ program (tours, music, activities) from
noon to 3pm on the first Sunday of the month.
Down on the River Torrens, Captain ̈Jolley’s ̈Paddle ̈Boats (Mapp728;www �captain
4pmSat&Sunwinter) make a satisfying splash.
Live out the kids’ (or perhaps your own) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fantasies
on a tour at Haigh’s Chocolates Visitors Centre (p719). Not the best for young diets,
perhaps, but the chocolates sure are Wonka-worthy.
In Port Adelaide, you can check out the Maritime Museum (p722), National Railway
Museum (p722) or South Australian Aviation Museum (p722), or set sail on a dolphin-
spotting ̈cruise.
Dial-An-Angel (%08-82673700,1300721111;www �dialanangel�com� au) provides nan-
nies and babysitters to all areas.

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