Australia 17 - Adelaide & South Australia (Chapter)

(Darren Dugan) #1
Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A




1 ̈Sights ̈& ̈Activities

Willunga ̈Farmers ̈Market ̈ MARKET
(www�willungafarmersmarket�com;  Willunga Town
Sq; h8am-12�30pmSat) Heavy on the organic,
the bespoke and the locally-sourced, Willun-
ga Farmers Market is on Saturday mornings
on the corner of High St and Main Rd.

Willunga ̈Slate ̈Museum ̈ MUSEUM
(www�nationaltrust�org �au/sa/willunga-slatemu
seum; 61  High  St;  adult/child $5/free;h1-4pm
Tue, Sat &Sun) At the top end of Willunga’s
ascending high street is this cluster of old
stone buildings, which at various times
have housed a police station, a courthouse,
a prison and a boys school. These days the
emphasis is on Willunga’s slate-mining his-
tory and the Cornish miners who did all the
dirty work.

4 ̈Sleeping ̈& ̈Eating

Willunga ̈House ̈B&B ̈ B&B $$$
(%08-85562467; www �willungahouse�com �au; 1St
PetersTce; dincl breakfast$210-280;aWs) If
you’re looking for a real treat, this graceful,
two-storey 1850 mansion off the main street
is for you: Baltic-pine floorboards, Italian
cherry-wood beds, open fires, indigenous art
and a swimming pool. Breakfast is a feast
of organic muesli, fruit salad and poached
pears, followed by cooked delights.

Russell’s ̈Pizza ̈ PIZZA$$
(%08-85562571; 13 High St; pizzasfrom $24; h6-
9pm Fri &Sat) It may look like a ramshackle
chicken coop, but Russell’s is the place to be
on weekends for sensational wood-fired piz-
za. No-one minds the wait for a meal (which
could be an hour) − it’s all about the atmos-
phere. It’s super popular, so book way ahead.

(%08-85564488;www �fino �net �au; 8Hill St; mains
$18-48;hnoon-3pmTue-Sun,6�30-9pmFri &Sat)
A regular on ‘Australia’s Top 100 Restau-
rants’ lists and with a cabinet full of regional
awards for both food and wine, Fino is fine
indeed. It’s a low-key conversion of a slate-
floored stone cottage, with a small, simple
menu of small, simple dishes, sourced local-
ly as much as possible. The Berkshire pork
shoulder with coleslaw is a winner.

88 Information

Willunga Environment Centre(%08-8556
4188;www �willungaenviro�org �au; 18 High St;
h10am-3pmMon-Fri,9am-1pmSat) Basic
touristinfo and detailson local flora and fauna�

Gulf St Vincent Beaches
There are some ace swimming beaches (but
no surf) along the Gulf St Vincent coastline,
extending from suburban Christies ̈Beach
onto Maslin ̈ Beach, the southern end of
which is a nudist and a gay hang-out. Maslin
is 45 minutes from Adelaide by car − just
far enough to escape the sprawling shop-
ping centres and new housing developments
trickling south from the city.
Port ̈Willunga is home to the eternally
busy, cliff-top seafood shack the Star ̈ of ̈
Greece (%08-85577420;www �starofgreececafe�
com �au; 1The Esplanade,Port Willunga;mains$28-
34; hnoon-3pmWed-Sun,5�30pm-9pmFri &Sat),
named after a shipwreck: funky decor, great
staff and a sunny outdoor patio. We asked
the waiter where the whiting was caught: he
looked out across the bay and said, ‘See that
boat out there?’. There’s a takeaway kiosk too
(snacks $5 to $10, open 10am to 3pm).
On the highway above Sellicks ̈Beach is
a classily renovated 1858 pub, the Victory ̈
Hotel (%08-8556 3083; www �victoryhotel�com �
au;  Main  South Rd,  Sellicks Beach; mains $17-34;
hnoon-3pm & 6-9pm). There are awesome
views of the silvery gulf, a cheery, laid-back
vibe and a beaut beer garden. Factor in in-
spired meals, an impressive cellar and wines
by the glass and you’ll be feeling victorious.
Three B&B cabins too (doubles from $150).
Keep on trucking south to cute little
Yankalilla, which has the regional Yankalilla ̈
Bay ̈Visitor ̈Information ̈Centre (%08-8558
0240;www �yankalilla�sa �gov �au; 163 Main SouthRd, 
Yankalilla;h9am-5pm Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm Sat  &
Sun). There’s a small local history museum
(adult/child$3/1) out the back (look for the
radar antenna from the scuttled HMAS Ho-
bart, now a nearby dive site offshore). Also in
‘Yank’ is quirky Lilla’s ̈Cafe (%08-85582525;
www �lillascafe�com �au; 163 Main SouthRd, Yankalilla;
mains $15-25;h8�30am-4pm Sun-Tue & Thu, 
8�30am-9pmFri &Sat) − perfect for coffee and
cake or generous wood-fired pizzas on Friday
and Saturday nights. Jenny the donkey will
finish off anything you can’t eat.
About 60km south of Adelaide is Car-
rickalinga, which has a gorgeous arc of
white sandy beach: it’s a very chilled spot
with no shops. For supplies and accommo-
dation, head to neighbouring Normanville,
which has a rambling pub, a supermarket, a
couple of caravan parks and the Jetty ̈Food ̈
Store (%08-85582537; www �jettyfoodstore�com;
48a Main Rd; meals$8-16;h7�30am-5�30pm). The
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