From round cities to space rings

(Antonio.P) #1

atmospheric pressures a climate as the Earth is unusual and
possibly its good weather will not last forever, this is an option
that will be assessed in the coming times.
Space cities would communicate with each other via smaller ships
that addressed by the hangars located at its periphery, in order to
prevent loss of the atmospheric gas contained therein at the time
of exit, they would be equipped with a system compressors that
would provide a state of vacuum, and so could be used gases for
the following approach could also be used cylinders connection
with the ships with which it would be necessary to provide
atmosphere around the hangar, recycling systems will be essential
for maintaining living conditions in space.


This gravity system would consist of multiple overlapping
cylinders placed on each other and set in motion generate force
similar to Earth's gravity, I call integrated system for rotating
cylinders would not be exposed to outer space as it would inside a
fixed fuselage.
The reason is very simple, so the ship on the outside have a
normal, fixed aspect with respect to reference objects like planets,
and inside could carry one or more primary cylinders oriented
sense of direction, to be oriented forward all G acceleration forces
that could withstand the cylinders would apply in the same way
on a bus on earth, i.e. the acceleration and braking of the ship
does not interfere with the gravitational force generated by
moving cylinders.
Each primary cylinder would turn multiple secondary cylinders
inside which rotating each at different speeds would be endowed
to each of the same gravity closest to the axis cylinders would
revolutions in less time in order to generate the same G forces the
outer, only the cylinder axis rule for living areas.
Thus the ground would have a slight curvature would increase in
the nearest to the axis plants, however passengers hardly notice it
as within each section or compartment only a fraction of the total
curvature of the cylinder would occur and also may straight plates
used for the floor.

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