From round cities to space rings

(Antonio.P) #1


Another belief in my view wrong are the time travel, it is absurd
to think you can change the location of it for the simple reason
that the time is not more than the ability to remember the position
of matter in their positions above.
Whenever the matter moves generates a past and the future is not
only the different positions that matter will take in its motion. As
then it will be possible for a person journey into the past, whether
that past no longer exists, for matter that formed is the same as we
have today.
What is possible however is time travel indirectly, that is a man of
today hypothetically could rise to a skilled spaceship to go to
other planets inhabited, but at an earlier stage than ours and then
it's like I was making a journey through time, so if you travel to a
planet that were within the age of the dinosaurs would be like a
trip to that time in this planet.


Some think that space can be folded like rubber and so spacecraft
could take a trip between two points without traversing the space
between them, but in my view that argument does not make sense
for the fact that no it is logical search space properties that are
rather of matter, because the void is precisely the opposite of this,
so things like kinking, folding or perforations are features that are
not applicable to it and who thinks that's because it is not able to
assume that in regard to the duration of space travel is not correct
to approaches of days or hours but years.


Today there controversy both among science fiction writers as by
some scientists about whether robots eventually came to be
identical to people with the same characteristics, I believe this is
due to a materialistic vision of human being, for those who think
and consider people as mere conglomeration of matter and forget

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