From round cities to space rings

(Antonio.P) #1

that within each person there is a spirit that makes him different
from any machine, so the robots will never become as people and
also that the future will be a world without humanoid robots.


This is a hypothesis that I is not so far-fetched, because in those
Earth-like but with excessive temperature planets, it seems
unlikely the evolution of species to a form of intelligent life but
reptile, that is cold-blooded, but I think probably because the land
could have gone that way with reptiles left after the last extinction
of species and yet did not. This extinction was probably caused by
a meteorite that crashed into the Gulf of Mexico about 65 million
years ago. I believe that progress towards the forms evolved as
human beings requires a lower temperature and biological
development of a mammalian type, maybe that's the reason that
did not occur previously.
I would also like to emphasize that in my view, only the human
form and carbon biology will succeed in the various inhabited
planets, because I think it is the most successful of all and the
development of man is not a coincidence but something intended
by the nature, although other inhabited worlds had any difference
with the earth the result of evolution would develop much like us
My conclusion is that only Earth-like worlds are accepted by
nature to biological evolution and human form only prevail for
being the best.


I think Mars would have been an inhabited planet as the earth if
not for its low gravity, about five hundred million years ago the
planet had rivers and seas, but gradually lost them because the
cessation of volcanic activity stopped producing steam and almost
all he had left evaporating into space.


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