A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE
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FRINGE TREE Chionanthus virginicus COMMON NAMES: Old man’s beard, snowdrop tree, white fringe, poison ash. FEATUR ...
GINGER, WILD Asarum canadense COMMON NAMES: Canada snake root, Indian ginger, Vermont snake root. FEATURES: Ginger ...
migraine headache, and laxative. The rhizome as nastoika (with vodka) for scrofula (Cholousky 1882, Antonov 18 ...
GINSENG Panax quinquefolius COMMON NAMES: Five finger root, American ginseng, sang, ninsin, panax, pannag, re ...
It is a powerful antispasmodic and recommends itself in other spasmodic and reflex nervous diseases, such as ...
hundred years. Some Hong Kong roots sell for five hundred dollars per ounce. A five-to-ten-year-old root ...
GOLDENSEAL Hydrastis canadensis COMMON NAMES: Yellow puccoon, ground raspberry, tumeric root, yellow root, orange ...
held there as long as the patient can conveniently retain it. To be repeated three or four times a ...
GOLDTHREAD Coptis groenlandica COMMON NAMES: Mouth root, yellow root, canker root, vegetable gold. FEATURES: Go ...
HELLEBORE Veratrum viride COMMON NAMES: Hellebore, Indian poke, itch weed, green hellebore. FEATURES: American ...
as are accompanied by spasmodic action, convulsions, morbid irritability, and irritative mobility, as in cholera, ...
HOPS Humulus lupulus FEATURES: The hop plant is a long-lived dioecious perennial propagated commercially from ...
three times a day; as a tea, ½ cup three times a day. Clinically: Used as extracts and compound ...
HOREHOUND Marrubium vulgare COMMON NAMES: Horehound, white horehound. FEATURES: The most Common of the species of ...
combined with other agents for the purpose intended. Tincture of skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), 2–15 ...
HORSERADISH Armoracia lapathifolia FEATURES: Originally horseradish came to North America from eastern Europe. It ...
HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Tincture of the root for albuminuria, aphonia, asthma, cataract, colic, cornea (spots o ...
HORSETAIL Equisetum arvense COMMON NAMES: Shave grass, bottlebrush, pewterwort. FEATURES: Equisetum arvense is among ...
In water three or more times a day as required by condition. As a herbal tea by itself, or combined ...
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