Plan tago major
COMMON NAMES: Broadleaved plantain, ripple grass, wagbread, white man’s foot.
FEATURES: Most of the two hundred or more widely distributed species of plantain are weedy herbs or
subshrubs of the family Plantaginaceae. Plantago major is the best-known backyard plantain, abundant in
most of North America. It is native to Europe but was spread so rapidly by human explorers in America
that the Native Americans called it “white man’s foot.”
The leaves all radiate from the base but in some species are broader than in others (both are good).
They are dark green in color and strongly ribbed lengthwise. The flower stem is stiff and smooth and
attains heights of 6–18 inches. The head is short and studded with tiny four-parted dull white flowers with
long slender stamens.
MEDICINAL PART: The whole plant.
BODILY INFLUENCE: Alterative, astringent, diuretic, antiseptic.
USES: Plantain was used by the Native Americans both internally and externally; we have adopted their
uses of it for cooling, soothing, and healing. Plantain is agreeable to most people. It is excellent for
healing fresh or chronic wounds or sores, used both internally or externally. In the absence of scientific
names, the body still responds to the ingredients of organic treatments.
Plantain is a superior remedy for neuralgia—take 2–5 drops of the tincture every 20 minutes; usually a
few drops will give relief. The green seeds and stem boiled in milk will generally check diarrhea and
bowel complaints of children. Culpeper used the seeds as treatment for dropsy, epilepsy, and yellow
jaundice. The clarified juice, seeds or both, made into tea or jellylike water and taken by itself or mixed
with other herbs, relieves intestinal pain of ulcers, spitting of blood, excessive menstrual flow, and
inflammation of the intestines. For kidney and bladder trouble, including bed-wetting, and pain in the
lumbar region, plantain is of use; also to clear the ear of mucus. If venereal diseases are in the first stages
a strong decoction of plantain leaves and root, one or two times a day in wineglassful amounts, will often
leave the afflicted a new admirer on the long list of plantain users. It is also useful in scrofula,
hemorrhoids, leukorrhea. Make a strong tea and let steep 30 minutes; for hemorrhoids inject a