Angelica atropurpurea
COMMON NAMES: Masterwort, purple angelica, alexanders, archangel.
FEATURES: Angelica, a genus of herbs of the family Ammiaceae. Several species are native to North
America. The name angelica, however, is popularly applied to various other members of the same family.
Angelica atropurpurea is perennial and grows in fields and damp places, developing greenish white
flowers from May to August. It is also cultivated in gardens from Canada to Carolina.
The plant has a peculiar but not unpleasant odor, a sweet taste, afterward pungent; but on drying it loses
much of these qualities. The cake decoration known as candied angelica is the dried stalks preserved with
MEDICINAL PARTS: Root, herb, seed.
SOLVENT: Boiling water.
BODILY INFLUENCE: Aromatic, stimulant, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic, emmenagogue.
USES: The tea taken hot will quickly break up a cold. For general tonic, 1–3 cups a day. Angelica should
always be remembered in epidemics, as it is said to resist poisons by defending and comforting the heart,
blood, and spirits.
It is used in flatulent colic and heartburn. The condition of suppressed liver and spleen, causing various
digestive malfunctions, will yield to this medicinal herb whose longstanding results have gained it the
heavenly name archangel. Is also serviceable in diseases of the urinary organs.
DOSE: 1 ounce of the seed or herb (less if powder is used) to 1 pint of boiling water, taken in ½-cup
amounts frequently during the day, or 1 cup after each meal.
EXTERNALLY: A tea made of angelica and dropped on old ulcers will cleanse and heal them. The dry
powdered root may also be used for this purpose.
RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: In Russian literature and pharmacopoeia, angelica occupies prominent attention,
prescribed in the form of tablets, extract, powder, all suitably compounded with other herbal ingredients.
Latest research and clinical experiments confirm long-established use of this herb in folk medicine. Uses: