A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE

(Chris Devlin) #1

½ hour before meals. If hemorrhaging, it is best to refrain from food until bleeding stops. Of the tincture,
15–30 drops; of the powder, 1 dram.

EXTERNALLY: For cutaneous or subcutaneous skin conditions, chapped hands, or bleeding skin ulcerations
use a fresh preparation daily for chronic conditions until they improve. Internally and externally, can be
combined with other supporting herbs.

HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Amenorrhea, asthma, bee stings, boils (blind), borborygmus, coccyx (soreness
of), condyloma, conjunctivitis, constipation (of children), cornea (ulceration of), coryza, cough, dandruff,
debility, diabetes, diarrhea, digestion (slow), dropsy (during pregnancy), eczema, emaciation, enuresis,
excoriations, foot sweat, gastritis, gum (suppressed), itching, leukorrhea, liver (soreness of), lumbago,
melancholy, milk (thin), mouth (sore), neuralgia, neurasthenia, night terrors, nose (crusts in), ophthalmia
(tarsi), os uteri (dilated), ossification (too early), ozena, perspiration (excessive), potbellied children,
pregnancy (sickness of, dropsy of), rectum (cramp in), rheumatism, rickets, scurvy, seasickness, shoulders
(rheumatism of), throat (sore), tongue (ringworm of, burning), toothache, uterus (prolapse of, soreness of,
tumor of), vomiting (of milk, of water), wrist (boils on).

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