A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE

(Chris Devlin) #1

vomiting, and drink copiously of the tea. As an alterative tea it is best prepared with burdock (Arctium
lappa). One of the best herbs to use for infants infected with veneral diseases. They can be cleansed
without the use of mercurials. Also wash the pustules of sores with a tea made of the root and administer
inwardly by mixing the powdered root with food.

DOSE: 1 ounce of the root boiled in 1 pint of water, taken in wineglassful amounts three times a day. For
colds, etc., it should be used as a syrup, 1 teaspoonful to 1 tablespoonful four times a day, depending on
age and condition. Of the tincture, 20–40 drops four times a day.

EXTERNALLY: As a strong tea for skin infections.

HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Triturations and tincture of the dried rhizome for asthma, bladder (affections
of), bones (affections of), breast (scirrhus of), Bright’s disease, calculi, climaxis, constipation, dyspepsia,
dysuria, enuresis, eruptions, eyes (affections of), faintness, glands (enlarged), gonorrhea, gout, gravel,
hands (chapped), headache, hernia, herpes (of prepuce), hiccup, intermittents, marasmus, masturbation
(effects of), melancholia, mercury (abuse of), mycosis, nipples (retracted), renal colic, rhagades,
rheumatism (gonorrheal), seborrhea, spermatic cords (swelling of), spermatorrhea, strangury, syphilis,
ulcers, warts.

RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: In the Russian Far East a shrub known as Aralia manchuria is used as a general
tonic of nastoika (with vodka) for physical and mental exhaustion.

INDIAN AND PAKISTANI EXPERIENCE: Known as country sarsaparilla, or Indian sarsaparilla, it grows in
many parts of India and Pakistan. The roots are considered a substitute for American sarsaparilla. Bodily
influence: Demulcent, alterative, blood purifier, diuretic, tonic, diaphoretic. Uses: As an appetizer and
for dyspepsia, fever, skin diseases, syphilis, leukorrhea, diseases of the genitourinary tract, chronic
cough, etc. Dose: Powdered roots, 10–60 grains with milk. Also used as syrup and decoctions from the
root. Externally: Ointment for swelling, rheumatic pains, boils, carbuncles.

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