A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE

(Chris Devlin) #1


Hypericum perforatum

COMMON NAMES: Johnswort, St. John’s grass, klamath weed.

FEATURES: This plant grows abundantly in the United States and Europe. An ornamental herb to our
meadows, often considered a pest when too freely mingled in corn and wheat fields. It is said that St.
John’s wort is well known among bakers, as a small quantity added to the flour improves the quality of
The upright, woody, slender stem reaches a height of 1–2 feet. The leaves are stalkless, ½ inches long,
growing in pairs on opposite sides of the stem. The dark green leaves are full of transparent holes, which
can be plainly seen when the leaf is held up to the light, and are sometimes marked with black spots on the
underside. From June to August, at the tops of the stalks and branches stand the yellow flowers of five
petals apiece, rather close-clustered, with many yellow threads in the middle, which when bruised yield a
reddish juice like blood, after which come small round heads wherein are contained small blackish seeds
smelling like resin. The fruit is a three-celled capsule.

MEDICINAL PARTS: Tops, flowers.

SOLVENTS: Boiling water, alcohol.

BODILY INFLUENCE: Expectorant, diuretic, astringent, sedative.

USES: An old custom of Native Americans was to dry Hypericum and use it as a meal, as they did acorn.
They were also known to eat the fresh leaves for their soothing effect. In many cases of bronchitis, has
been known to eliminate all signs of the condition. A family remedy to overcome bedwetting if taken
every night before going to bed. Dose, ½ teaspoonful of leaves and flowers to ½–1 cupful of boiling
water, steeped 1 hour.
St. John’s wort can be administered to all, whatever age or sex, and was at one time found in almost
every country household. For treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, bleeding of the lungs, worms, jaundice,
suppressed urine, pus in the urine, hysteria, and nervous irritability. It will help correct irregular

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