colds, inflammation of the bladder, headache, eczema (internally as tea, decoction, extracts), external
bathing for skin irritations, nervous upset in children to induce sleep (Bello-Russ. Academy of Science,
Minsk, 1965). Tea used for scrofula, rickets, diathesis, gout, and as a diuretic and diaphoretic. For
improved metabolism, 1 tablespoonful to 1 cupful of boiling water, steeped 10 minutes and strained.
Dose, 1 tablespoonful eight times a day (Moscow University, Moscow, 1963). Clinically: In the form of
nastoika, extracts, and decoctions in combinations of compounds for treatment of internal and external
ailments. Pharmacopoeias of late have given attention to B. tripartita (Atlas, Moscow, 1963).
Commercial: The wild collection of Bidens falls short of the demand. Cultivation is very successful: they
seed 12–14 pounds per acre and harvest up to 2,500 pounds of dry herb. Cutting starts just before the buds
flower and when the plant is about 50 centimeters high, using only the leaves and tops (Medicine,
Moscow, 1965). Industrial: Beautiful creamy shades of brown, orange, and yellow are used for dyeing
wool and silk.
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)