Tanacetum vulgare
GREEK NAME: Alhanasia, “immortality.”
FEATURES: Tansy, of a perennial, creeping root, was introduced into America from the northern Old
World. The tough, slightly ribbed stems reach a height of 2–3 feet, terminating in flat, buttonlike, gold-
colored heads of rayless florets. The plant may be easily recognized in July and August, as the flower
heads look as if all the petals have been pulled off, leaving only the central florets. It is a handsome plant,
with dark green, deeply cleft and pinnatifid, fernlike leaves, being 6–8 inches long and 4 inches broad. A
familiar herb of wastelands and roadsides. The crushed leaves and flowers give a pronounced aromatic
smell and have a bitter taste.
Tansy contains volatile oil, wax, stearin, chlorophyll, bitter resin, yellow coloring matter, tannin with
gallic acid, bitter extractive gum and tanacetic acid, which is crystallizable, and precipitate lime, baryta,
and oxide of lead.
MEDICINAL PART: The whole herb.
SOLVENT: Alcohol, water.
BODILY INFLUENCE: Tonic, emmenagogue, diaphoretic, stimulant.
USES: Large doses cause vomiting, convulsions, coma, feeble respiration and pulse, and may induce
abortion. In small doses the cold infusion will be found useful in convalescence from exhausting diseases,
dyspepsia, and jaundice. The warm infusion is diaphoretic and emmenagogue and is used for colds,
fevers, grippe, and agues. The herb is also used for treatment of hysteria and certain other of the nervous
disorders of women. For this purpose take 1 tablespoonful of the infusion frequently, when needed.
Tansy seeds are vermifuge and should be steeped, 1/4 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water, and taken after
night and morning fast, previously cleansing the alimentary tract with a herbal laxative. You may like to
know the creatures respond more favorably when the moon is full.
A good remedy to promote menstruation, but should be used only when the suppression is due to