Viola odorata
COMMON NAME: Sweet violet.
FEATURES: The violets have a large family tree of some four hundred species, predominantly perennial
herbs but with a few annuals. Violets are found in damp woods and other shady places and are among the
best-known wild plants, with characteristically scented and colored flowers. They are highly adapted to
cross-pollination by insects. Some species are indigenous to North America; however, Viola odorata is
native to Europe but has been naturalized in the United States. Violet leaves contain certain glucosidal
principles of distant antiseptic properties; the flowers are expectorant and have been used for generations
in syrup form for coughs, colds, etc.
MEDICINAL PARTS: Leaves, flowers.
SOLVENT: Boiling water.
BODILY INFLUENCE: Antiseptic, expectorant.
USES: Violets are mostly thought of as decorative, or to commemorate a tender occasion. Their admirable
qualities as an herb are never realized by out-of-touch-with-nature modern society.
The influence of the dissolving properties seems to reach places only the blood and lymphatic fluids
penetrate. For difficulty in breathing when conditions are caused from a morbid accumulation of material
in the stomach and bowels causing gas, distention, and pressure, violet tea taken daily for some time will
make you feel that the beauty of the plant is of secondary importance. It is cooling to any high temperature
of the body, internally or externally. Of service in headaches and heat to the head; a specific for ear
disturbances, having a soothing and healing effect on inflamed mucal surfaces. Colds, sore throat,
inflammation of lungs, hoarseness, whooping cough, etc., of children and adults is greatly controlled by a
handful of dried or fresh violet leaves and flowers in ½ pint of water, steeped for ½ hour; administer 2–3
tablespoons (more for adults) every 2–3 hours, and a mouthful to gargle (make sure the bowels eliminate