A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE

(Chris Devlin) #1


Achillea millefolium

FEATURES: A perennial plant of the composite family (Compositae), yarrow inhabits Europe and North
America. It is found in pastures, meadows, and along roadsides, flowering from May to October. Yarrow
has a rough angular stem and grows to heights of 3 feet; the alternate leaves are 1–6 inches long,
pinnatifid, slightly woolly, cut into very fine segments, and clasp the stem at the base. The flowers are
white (if you are lucky you may find pink yarrow), borne in flat-top daisylike clusters up to 1 foot across.
The plant possesses a faint, pleasant, peculiar fragrance and an ether-sharp, rough, astringent taste, which
properties are due to tannic and achilleic acid, essential oil, and bitter extractive achilleine. The genus to
which yarrow belongs was named after Achilles, who supposedly discovered the medicinal virtues of the

MEDICINAL PART: The whole herb.

SOLVENTS: Water, alcohol.

BODILY INFLUENCE: Astringent, alterative, diuretic, tonic.

USES: Yarrow as a useful agent was known to the Native Americans as a tonic for run-down conditions
and indigestion. The juice put in the eye will take away redness. Herbalists know that yarrow, together
with plantain (Plantago lanceolata) and comfrey (Symphytum), will stop hemorrhages of the lungs,
bowels, hemorrhoids, and other internal bleeding. Yarrow is most useful in colds, influenza, measles,
smallpox, chickenpox, fevers, and acute catarrhs of the respiratory tract. The properties have the ability to
keep up strength and act as a blood cleanser, at the same time opening the pores to permit free
perspiration, which takes along with it unwanted waste and relieves the kidneys; more effective than
quinine for the above mentioned when combined with elder flowers (Sambucus canadensis) and
peppermint (Mentha piperita).
Yarrow exercises influence over many ailments, including incontinence of urine and instances of
mucous discharge from the bladder, dyspepsia, amenorrhea, suppressed or restrained menses, and
menorrhagia or profuse continued menstruation; as a feminine solution for administration for leukorrhea

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