syrup may be made by boiling ½ pound of the crushed root in 1 pint of syrup; taken in teaspoonful doses
three or four times a day.
EXTERNALLY: Ulcers, hard tumors, eruptive skin diseases, etc., have been removed by the application of
the bruised root in poultice form. An ointment made with the root simmered in oil (coconut oil will
harden when cold and can be used for rectal suppositories) is also used for the above external care.
HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Tincture of fresh root for abortion, aphonia, asthma, borborygmus, bronchitis,
catarrh, corns, coryza, cough, diarrhea, dyspepsia epistaxis, feet (tender), gastralgia, heart (pain in,
affections of), indigestion, irritation, lichen, mouth (ulceration of), phimosis, phthisis, prurigo,
rheumatism, throat (sore, ulcerated), trachea (affections of), urticaria.
RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Several species of Rumex can be found in Russia. In literature most attention is
given to R. rumicis, or konsky shavel, which means “horse dock.” Folk medicine: Use the roots and fruit
as astringent to check bleeding of lungs, female bleeding, hemorrhoids, bleeding diarrhea; also for
tubercular lungs and skin conditions. In Byelorussia a decoction of the flowers is used for diarrhea,
dysentery, kidney and bladder, stomach sickness; a decoction of the root for pain after heavy lifting.
Externally: Decoctions used for ulcers, burns, and skin diseases. Fresh leaves for foul wounds and
ulcers, shingles or itching skin (Bello-Russ. Academy of Science, Minsk, 1966).