A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE

(Chris Devlin) #1

tincture, 10–30 drops, varying according to severity of the case and age.

EXTERNALLY: The tea decoction is used for sores, wounds, and ulcers: apply the freshly made tea freely.

RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Chernica (bilberry) in Russian folk medicine is used mainly as an astringent for
gastric colitis and other stomach conditions. It may be of interest to know that in Russia bilberry has a
well-established reputation as being similar to insulin for sugar diabetes. Used as fresh or dried berries
and leaves as tea, decoction, syrup, and for poultice. Clinically: Research and clinical experiments
confirm value as first recognized by folk medicine for practical home use. Extracts and tinctures are given
clinically alone or combined with other suitable herbs when a tonic and astringent are required. Dose, 1–
2 teaspoonfuls to 1 cup of boiling water, taken warm in ½-cup amounts four times a day on an empty
stomach. Industrial: A home and industrial leather dye of brown and yellow colors. Combined with other
chemicals to produce violet, red, green, and blue for wool, cotton, and linen material.

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