and spleen affections. Has been known to relieve all symptoms of chronic hip disease. It should be
combined with mandrake (Podophyllum peltatum), poke (Phytolacca decandra), black cohosh
(Cimicifuga racemosa), ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis), yellow dock
(Rumex crispus), etc. If it causes salivation do not be apprehensive as it is distinguished from mercurial
salivation by absence of stench, sponginess of the gums, and loosening of the teeth.
In Nature’s Healing Agents, Dr. Clymer says it’s one of the very few remedies that has any influence in
correcting milk-colored, clay-colored stools in adults.
DOSE: Tincture alone, 10–25 drops in water three times a day. One teaspoonful of the powdered root to 1
pint of boiling water, drink cold, 2–3 tablespoonfuls six times a day, Iridin, 1 grain.
HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Tincture of fresh root, collected in early spring or autumn; trituration of
resinoid, irisin for anus (fissure of), bilious attack, constipation, crusta lactea, diabetes, diarrhea,
dysentery, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, eczema, fistula, gastrodynia, intermittent headache, impetigo, liver
(affectins of), migraine, neuralgia, nocturnal emissions, pancreas (affections of), parotid glands
(affections of), pregnancy (morning sickness of), psoriasis, rectum (burning in), rheumatism, salivation,
sciatica, vomiting, whitlow, herpes zoster.
RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Kasatik is the Russian name given to the iris with all their fondness and tender
love, of which the true meaning is difficult to convey by translation. Cultivation has been strongly
encouraged. Agro-technology skillfully developed agricultural methods for medicinal, commercial, and
industrial business. It is used for internal and external medicine, cosmetics, perfume, aromatic and flavor
in confectionery; widely used in wine industry; praised highly by gardeners and florists for floral decor.
Clinically: Recognized for bronchitis and teething babies. Folk Medicine: Used medically in Russia for
many serious cases of dropsy when the heart is involved, inflammation of the lungs, angina, calming to
reduce involuntary emission. Root and rhizome used by folk medicine as tea, decoctions, and poultice.
Externally: Successfully used in infected wounds, ulcers, fistula, and to take away freckles.