the network of blood vessels.
While folk medicine may be unrestrained in its commendation of chaga, science is reserved and
cautious. From year to year scientific medical literature carefully gives it more credence. The apparent
value of this plant has warranted commitments to further research and to laboratory and clinical tests.
Since 1955 the Medical Academy of Science in Moscow has promoted chaga for clinical and domestic
medicine, encouraged it commercially, and collected it for medical use. In an atlas of medical plants
published in Moscow (Tzitzin 1963), chaga is carefully recommended but definitely approved for
administration as a tea, extract, or nastoika (chaga in vodka) for malignancies. It is recommended in
cases where the patient cannot undergo surgery or radiotherapy. Chaga is recognized as a very old folk
medicine for stomach gastritis and ulcers, and especially for cancer, tuberculosis, or conditions of
malignancy unfavorable to surgery.
It should be understood that not all advanced forms of cancer can be controlled, but chaga will reduce
pain, give comfort, and stop or slow growths. Some early and less-advanced cases of cancer are arrested,
and spreading may be prevented. In swelling of the lower bowel, chaga decoctions are prepared for
colonics in addition to oral medication.
Diet is very definitely restricted to milk products and vegetables—no meat, conserves, sausages, or
strong spices (Saratov University 1932). Chaga is blood purifying and regenerates deteriorated organs
and glands, Medical Encyclopedia (Moscow 1965). Time must be given for chaga to work.
Recommended treatment is for three to five months at seven-to-ten-day intervals. Domestic use: The bark
and middle portion, which have been carefully separated and cleaned, must be crushed or shredded, then
soaked in warm water (not over 50° Fahrenheit). When preparing chaga think of it as yeast, water too hot
will kill the living fungus. For 1 part of crushed chaga pour over 5 parts of boiled (not boiling) water, let
stand covered 48 hours, strain, pour in more boiled (not boiling) water, perhaps twice as much, then drink
three cups a day thirty minutes before each meal.
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)