Woman Special Series - 500 Calorie Diet 2 2016

(coco) #1

BreakfastWrap 2 slices galia melon (75g)and 25g baby spinach leaves in2 slices prosciutto.Parma hamroll-uPsalmondmocha-cino68Calories89Calories``````Warm 200ml unsweetened almond milk;whisk. Make an espresso in large cup, thenadd most of 11g sachet options Belgian Choc.add milk; sprinkle over rest of options.``````87Calories``````Decant 100g total 0%all natural fat free greekYogurt into a pot with thezest of^1 ⁄ 2 lemon or limeand a squeeze of juice.add a few freshly choppedmint leaves and serve with100g watermelon, cutinto small segments.citrus yogurt withwatermelon diPPers

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