calorie diet## 5004 About the 500cAlorie diet^all you need to know to getstarted on the plan.9 breAKFAStFrom zesty fruit salad to a healthybreakfast burrito to oats withberries, there are plenty of waysto get your day off to a great start.21 luNcheverything from fresh andsimple salads to a wide variety ofscrumptious hot dishes, plus fourpages of easy-to-make soups.41 diNNerWhether you fancy a fragrantcurry, a slimline pizza or evena burger, you wonât go to bedhungry after one of thesesatisfying low-cal meals.71 SMoothieSFor a super-nutritious additionto any fast day, whip up oneof our smoothie recipes.79 deSSertFancy a tasty tropical roulade orcarrot cake? You can still indulgeyour sweet tooth with thesedelicious low-calorie puddings.86 FASt dAY SNAcKSNeed a boost? these low-caltreats will help to keep yougoing all day long.
Editor Charlotte Richards Acting Art Editor Sam PopeChief Sub Jackie Holtham Recipes Jennifer Bedloe,Jo McAuley Photography Chris Alack Additional recipeimages Nutritionist Fiona HunterThanks to Mark Morris, Sam Kistamah, Simon MaynardCONTACT Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street,London SE1 0SU Tel 020 3148 5000Email [email protected] to you by the makers of Woman magazine.Editor-in-Chief Karen Livermore Creative DirectorDale Walker. Published by Time Inc. (UK) Ltd500 Calorie Meal Planner, Time Inc. (UK) Ltd, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE0SU. All prices are correct at time of going to press. Time Inc. (UK) Ltd regrets that it cannot beliable for the safe custody or return of any unsolicited material, nor can we answer any letters orreturn submitted material unless accompanied by an sae. This periodical shall not, without thewritten consent of the publishers first given, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed ofby way of trade at more than the recommended selling price shown on the front cover, and itshall not be lent, resold or hired out or otherwise disposed of in a mutilated condition or in anyother unauthorised cover by way of trade or affixed to or as part of any publication or advertising,literary or pictorial matter whatsoever.© Time Inc. (UK) Ltd, 2015. Published by Time Inc. (UK) Ltd,Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU.Printed by Polestar UK Limited. Repro by Rhapsody.``````WelcoMeto YourAll-NeW500 cAlorieMeAl plANNerFor our latest issue weâve createdmore delicious low-calorie mealsto help make the 5:2 diet easierand tastier than ever!So whether youâve beenfollowing the 5:2, or 500 calorie,diet plan for a while or arethinking of trying it for thefirst time, weâve made losingweight super simple for you!Weâve got deliciously lightcalorie-counted recipes for everymeal, from super-speedy on-the-go lunches to make-aheaddinners to stick in the freezer.Weâve even got low-cal sweettreats to make fast days easier.there are also nine deliciousand nutritious smoothie recipesif you want to try the latest versionof the diet: a two-day juice fast.Getting in shape has neverbeen easier, or tastier!``````Good lucKWith the diet!``````91 WhAt to eAtoN NorMAl dAYSNot fasting today? our meal planswill help you stay healthy.94 cAlorie couNteradapt or add to our recipes withthis helpful list of the caloriecontent of the most common foods.``````PLEASENOTE: CALORCOUNTS A IERE ALLPER SERvINg.REfER T^RE O EAChCIPE fOR ThESPECIfIC NUO mBERf SERvINgS
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