Serves 4 Ready in 15 minsQ 400g can butterbeans, drainedQ 1 Knorr Chicken Stock PotQ 400g can tomatoesQ 1 onion, choppedQ 100ml red wineQ 200g mushrooms, slicedQ 1tsp caster sugarQ 150ml vegetable stockQ 250g turkey meatballsQ 6 sprays FrylightQ Basil leaves, to finishMethod
1. Simmer the butterbeans in the chickenstock and 300ml water for 10 mins. Draincompletely and crush lightly.2. Meanwhile, pour the tomatoes into a panand cook with the onion for 5 mins.Add wine, mushrooms, caster sugar andvegetable stock, bring to the boil andsimmer for 15 mins. Season to taste.
3. Cook the meatballs in a non-stick fryingpan in the Frylight for 10mins, turning,until browned and cooked through. Servewith the tomato sauce and butterbeans,garnished with basil.TOMATO & TURKEYMEATBALLS### 240Calories