9Keep busyChoose your busiest days tofast. Having plenty to occupy youso thereâs little time to focus onhunger can be a diet saver.``````Photos: urbanliP.com, istock
3Learn to love listsPlan what youâll eat and shopfor ingredients in advance, so youwonât be tempted to grab a pizza.Pick recipes and snacks from themeal planner, and write a shoppinglist. If you look forward to your meals,youâre less likely to stray.6Go to bed earlyThisâll help avoid late-nighthunger pangs, and lack of sleepcan cause cravings for high-caloriecomfort food.
2do what worksbest for youYou neednât stick to three meals aday. Try having brunch and an earlysupper, or save your entire calorieallowance for one evening meal.Thereâs evidence that it can be beneficialto leave longer gaps between meals.4Not all caloriesare equalOn fasting days, eat mostly lean protein,vegetables and fruit. Packed withnutrients, theyâll leave you feelingmore satisfied. Chicken, white fish andeggs are all good, as are leafy greens.
5drink â a lot!Drink plenty of water to stave offhunger. Herbal teas or hot water withlemon are good alternatives, and lotsof people find a mug of Bovril or Oxois particularly satisfying.
7Buddy upFasting with a friend can makeit easier â joining a social mediasite dedicated to 5:2 fasting canalso be helpful and supportive â trythefastdiet.co.uk/forums or join aFacebook group like The 5:2 Diet orthe 52Diet and share tips and advice.
8Get minty freshSuck a sugar-free mint or chewsome sugar-free gum to draw a line aftera fast day evening meal. The fresh feelingin your mouth makes it less likely youâllcrave something sweet later.
THE BESTEVER FASTDIET TRICKSWe reveal the secrets to gettingthrough fast days â andmaximising your weight loss!1diarise fast daysPick your two days with care.Some people like to keep busy atwork, others prefer a bit of peace.The main thing is to avoid timeswhen youâre socialising and steerclear of any obvious temptations!