These yummy cakesquares can be frozen,so you can defrost justa couple each week fora sweet fast-day treat.
Smart tipSkinnycarrotcake98Calories``````Makes 30 squaresReady in 45 mins, plus cooling``````Q 3 medium carrotsQ 90g golden caster sugarQ 3 eggsQ 175ml sunflower oilQ 200g self-raising flourQ A pinch of baking powderQ 2tsp mixed spiceQ 2tsp skimmed milkFor the creamy toppingQ 150g 0% fat Greek yogurtQ 150g Philadelphia LightestCream CheeseQ Zest of 1 orange and juice to sweetenQ 1tsp honeyMethod
1. Heat oven to 180ºC, Gas 4. Linea 30cm x 20cm Swiss roll tin. Gratethe carrots into a bowl (or use anattachment on a food mixer).2. Using a hand-held mixer, whisktogether the sugar and eggs, until lightand creamy. Whisk in the oil. Then,with a large metal spoon, fold in theflour, baking powder and mixed spice.Stir in the carrots and milk.3. Pour the mixture into the tin andbake for 35-40 minutes. Leave to cool inthe tin for 5 minutes, before transferringto a cooling rack to cool completely.4. In a serving bowl, mix together theyogurt, Philadelphia, orange zest andjuice and honey. Cut the cake into 30even squares and serve with a dollopof the creamy topping.