Photo: istock, urbanliP
DAY ONE DAY TWDAY FOURBreakfastTwo-egg mushroom omelette.Slice of wholemeal toastwith low-fat olive spreador marmalade. Cup of teaor coffee with milk. 525 cals``````Morning snackSmall packet of unsaltednuts and raisins. 115 cals``````LunchBox of sushi (334 cals).Bunch of grapes (58 cals).Packet of Sunbites (120 cals).Total: 512 cals``````AfternoonsnackRound ofMini Babybel.62 cals``````DinnerMedium steak, grilled (240 cals)with oven chips (190 cals) anda large salad (40 cals). Small(125ml) glass of wine (85 cals).2 oatcakes or crackers (100 cals),some celery sticks with half a125g pack of low-fat Boursincheese (108 cals) and somegrapes (40 cals).Total: 803 cals
BreakfastBowl of bran flakes with semi-skimmed milk, with a banana.Tea or coffee with milk. 309 calsMorning snack2 rice cakes spread with chocolatehazelnut spread. 130 calsLunchA hamburger (250 cals), mediumfries (330 cals), and a mediumDiet Coke (4 cals). Total: 584 calsAfternoonsnack250ml fruit smoothie.133 cals``````DinnerChicken chop suey(homemade or from ahealthy options range)with noodles (450 cals).Half a tin of rice puddingwith some sliced mango(220 cals). Total: 670 cals``````2,017calories``````Breakfast2 Weetabix with semi-skimmed milk. Kiwifruit. Cup of tea or coffeewith milk. 265 cals``````Morning snack2 Jaffa Cakes. 90 cals``````LunchPasta salad withtuna and sweetcorn âhomemade or a healthyoptions range (340 cals).Two-finger KitKat(107 cals) and anapple (55 cals).Total: 502 cals``````Afternoon snackNone â save yourselffor dinner tonight! Oreat the apple or KitKatfrom lunchtime.``````1,826calories