O Tempo e a Restinga - Time and Restinga

(Vicente Mussi-Dias) #1
Cores e Aromas 145

Chamaecrista fl exuosa (L.) Greene

“Cassia fl exuosa, Linn. I.c. Tropical America is
the habitat of this; and it was published as a
Chamaecrista, not as a Cassia, in pre-Linnaean
times, by Breyne with a beautiful folio plate, this
plate being Linnaeus’ type for the species as
a Cassia. It is historie type of what should be
made a section of Chamaecrista marked by
a strong development of the stipule. In some
of the more recent species of this group the
stipule is still more strongly developed, and that
at the expense of the leafl ets, which in some of
them are very few, in others almost or altoge-
ther wanting.”

Edward Lee Greene, 1899

Prancha representativa de Chamaecrista fl exuosa
Representative board of Chamaecrista fl exuosa

Martius & Eichler, 1870

Chamaecrista flexuosa

(L.) Greene

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