O Tempo e a Restinga - Time and Restinga

(Vicente Mussi-Dias) #1


moment. To make this selection, we con-
sidered the MMA Order n.º 443, of Decem-
ber 17, 2014, and the Red Book of Brazil’s
Flora 2013, as well as the type of vege-
tation and succession stage, defined by
State Decree n.º 41,612 of December 23,
2008, and CONAMA Resolution n.º 453 of
October 02, 2012. It was also pointed the
number of tumble comparative collections
deposited in the herbarium of the Rio de
Janeiro Botanical Garden.
Most of the data regarding the
description of the species were based on
some of the main databases available in
the internet about it, especially the list of
species of Flora of Brazil (Reflora’s Pro-
gram) of Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden
and the “Tropicos.org” of “Missouri Bota-
nical Grarden” of the United States. The
first descriptions of each species, mostly
in Latin, were obtained from their original
publications, of public domain, as well as
the botanical illustrations that accompany
them. We should point out “Flora Brasilien-
sis”, from von Martius, through the Centro
de Referência em Informação Ambiental

  • CRIA, the “Biodiversity Heritage Library”
    and the “Botanicus Digital Library”, agreed
    the terms of use of the available material.

Mudas de Jacquinia armillaris
produzidas no Viveiro da Caruara
Jacquinia armilaris seedlings
produced in the Caruara’s nursery
Foto: Daniel Nascimento

actions, protection of green areas and environmental education. The first recognition of
the work done in the NPPR Caruara Farm came in 2013 through environmental awards
of great relevance. Among them are the Prize FIRJAN of Environmental Action in biodi-
versity category, the Benchmarking Prize Brasil, one of the most recognised in socio-en-
vironmental area, and the International Socio-environmental Award Chico Mendes in the
category Case Socioambiental.
More than 550,000 Restinga’s seedlings were planted in Caruara NPPR. All se-
edlings were produced in the forest nursery, located in Açu Port since 2012 and run by
Prumo. The nursery has a production capacity of 500,000 seedlings per year and is the
largest Restinga’s nursery in Latin America. Currently, the nursery produces and manages
70 species of Restingas, including some endangered (MMA Ordinance n.º 443, of Decem-
ber 17, 2014), such as pau-ferro (Melanopsidiumnigrum), ingá-mirim (Inga maritima) and
cambucá (Pliniaedulis). All planting techniques and species management become, directly
or indirectly, a research theme from renowned institutions, such as the Darcy Ribeiro North
Fluminense State University, Rio de Janeiro Botanic Garden, Rio de Janeiro State Universi-
ty, Superior Educational Institute of the Educational Center Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, Rio
de Janeiro Federal University e Fluminense Federal University.
Since 2007, the company carries out the Fauna Rescue and Monitoring program
in the Açu Port’s deployment area. Up til now, more than 16,000 animals were rescued
and taken to Caruara NPPR. A total of 245 rescued animals species was mapped, some
of which are threatened species (PRUMO, 2015).
There is no doubt that the creation of this conservation area has became the largest
environmental legacy left to the municipality of São João da Barra/RJ, as besides it does not
generate costs to the municipality, it added value to increase its score in the Ecological ICMS
ranking. In 2014, the municipality has quadrupled its revenues from the share of the Ecological
ICMS (SEA, 2014).
Despite the great importance of coastal ecosystems, Brazil still has limited experience
in arranging the use of that land space and its natural resources. The lack of urban planning and
knowledge about these ecosystems aggravate its environmental degradation outlook.
We believed that all knowledge and all recovery techniques developed within
the programs carried out in Caruara NPPR could be replicated in others Brazilian coast
areas. In this sense, this publication includes technical information of 38 plant species
registered at Grussaí and Iquipari Restingas, a small portion compared to a wilderness
of local plant species, but a beginning of all we want to show.
For each species it was indicated the botanical family, synonyms, popular na-
mes, the way of life, the origin (endemic or not), geographical distribution, phytogeo-
graphic areas, soil moisture condition in which they occur, the group threatened at that
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