Diving Guide to the Philippines 2015

(Barry) #1

Cave dive site shows interesting
deep sea life all the way down to
the cave entrance areas. The current
is normally relatively calm due to
the bay of Davao Del Norte, Davao
City, Samal and Big Ligid acting as
barriers. Night diving is
recommended, especially for macro
photography. Nearby are the sites
Balet Walland Tagpopongan. For
underwater spelunkers the Ligid
Cave dive site will prove rewarding.

  1. Pinnacle Point
    Location: SE tip of Big Ligid Island
    Depth: 26-115 ft. (8-34m)

Pinnacle Point southeast of Big
Ligid, an islet near Samal, is
actually an imposing pointed rock
formation. It has fascinating pink
corals and is surrounded by two
other lower pinnacles. The three
rock formations stand at 30 to 65 ft.
(9 to 19m) high. The Pinnacle is
surrounded by tubastrea corals,
anthias, black corals, gorgonians
and scores of deep sea
Head southeast along the wall,
current permitting, taking in views
of the gorgonians and sea whips.
Check out the cracks and crannies
in the wall for bigeyes and
cardinalfish. Some octopi and
morays also dwell in the holes.

Southeast of the point are three
reef formations where schools of
pennant butterflyfish, surgeonfish,
jacks and several types of angelfish
are frequent visitors. The center
structure is covered in lush pink soft
corals, while the leeward side is
festooned with large gorgonians,
black coral and a host of anthias
and tubastrea.

108) Marissa 1, 2 & 3
Location: South of Samal Island
Depth: 26-60 ft. (8-18m)

Almost everyone from snorkeler
to experienced diver can enjoy this
site. Marissa is good for training and
not a bad night dive either. The
Pearl Farm maintains three reefs as
a marine sanctuary, so there is
plenty of life. The coral heads,
undercuts, small walls and drop-offs
are interspersed with gentle slopes
for divers and snorkelers.

109) Malipano Japanese Wrecks
Location: Off Pearl Farm Resort

Painted triggerfish
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