Diving Guide to the Philippines 2015

(Barry) #1

The Philippines has thousands of
dives to choose from but some
stand out. Here are some of the
highlight dives:

Beach Dive– It is hard to beat the
walk-in dive at Busuanga’s Dimakya
Island. Sea turtles, swirling jacks
and dugongs are always a
possibility. Plus the macro critters
are diverse and abundant.

Shark Dive– While Oslob has
consistent whale shark action,
Monad Shoalat Malapascua Island
is the one place in the world where
divers consistently see thresher
sharks at cleaning stations.

Reef Dive– The Black Forest at
Balicasag is a haven for hundreds of
sea turtles of all sizes and ages and
a tornado of bigeye jacks.

Marine Park Dive– Tubbatahais
the premier marine park in this
country. Isolated far out to sea, it
can only be visited during calm
periods when the sea is flat. Big
marine life like manta rays and
hammerhead sharks can be found
along sheer, coral-covered dropoffs.

WWII Wreck Dive- The Okikawa
Marulies in a currenty area that
keeps the ship bathed in water
movement. So the coral growth is
lush. The bow is mangled but holds
a forest of black coral.

Macro Dive- The Rockpile in
Dauin has small steel pyramids,
cars, and steel crates and is home
to many critters like frogfish, ghost
pipefish, spiny seahorses and even
harlequin shrimp. Sandy and full of
tiny surprises.

The Best Dives

Gorgonian sea fans
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