Diving Guide to the Philippines 2015

(Barry) #1


hile most people think of
colder, deeper waters as
places for technical diving, the
warm, clear waters of the
Philippines are ideal to learn one or
more aspects of technical diving.
Deep walls, sharky points and
numerous WWII shipwrecks are all
venues that beckon some sort of
technical experience. Starting from
the use of NITROX in recreational
diving, which extends bottom times
in places like Monad Shoal’s
thresher shark viewing area, to
planned penetration into the deeper
shipwrecks in Subic Bay, tek diving
has found a place in the
Divers can learn proper deep
diving techniques, staged deco,
double tank, sidemount, wreck

penetration and rebreather diving
and all the way up to TRIMIX
instructor through a series of skill
development courses. Even cave
diving has taken root in places like
Siargao Island. At least five
certification agencies are
represented with classes held in
venues like Subic Bay, Puerto
Galera, Malapascua and many
For many, technical diving opens
up a whole new world of undersea
exploration, providing new
challenges and learning
experiences. Each tek discipline has
different course pre-requisites with
different aims and goals.
Discuss specific tek needs and
goals with the suitably equipped
dive centers.

Philippine Technical Diving

NITROX levels
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