24) Clam City
Location: Puerto Galera Harbor
Depth: 10 to 80 ft. (3 to 24m)
A fun site for macro that has its
own local guard is Clam City.
Located in the channel southeast of
Sabang, in Muele Bay, many giant
tridacna clams have been placed for
snorkelers to see and also to help
reseed the area with giant clams.
This was done by researchers from
the University of Manila over a
decade ago. As these can be tasty, a
guard is posted in an anchored
outrigger to ensure no one tries to
get the clams for dinner.
The shallows are interesting and
one doesn’t have to go any farther
than 35 ft. (11m) to see plenty of
macro life. Most of the clams are
situated near reefs and a few are out
in the sand. Since they feed by
photosynthesis, they are in open,
sunny water. Most are in 20 ft. (6m)
or even less so snorkelers can enjoy
them too. Thus, there is a lot of boat
traffic. So divers need to surface at a
mooring line or next to your guide’s
safety sausage.
In the clam area there are many
jawfish. Sometimes two even share
one hole. Look to see if any are
incubating eggs in their mouths.
There are blue linkia starfish with
small commensal shrimps, bubble
anemones, snake eels, bluespot
Giant clams at Clam City