action and can be either a wide
angle or a macro dive. This can be a
walk-in from the sea grasses in the
shallows, but its easiest to grab a
banca ride out to a buoy that’s
attached to an anchor and descend
to about 70 ft. (21m).
Nearby is the stripped out hull of
an old sailboat named “Awencha”.
The ship rests on it port side and
may have some macro critters
inside to shoot. Be careful of
scorpionfish that inhabit the wreck.
There are lots of cardinalfish inside
as well. Outside, lizardfish,
encrusting sponges, soft corals and
other invertebrates and clouds of
anthias have made the hull home.
From here swim south to find the
tossed remains of a Vietnamese
wooden vessel. Its pretty well
leveled due to the years and a
typhoon, but the ship’s ribs are still
present. Crinoids, rope sponges and
anthias are all over this one as well.
Also look for white-eye morays,
frogfish and cuttlefish.
Moving on, normally with a
batfish and surgeonfish entourage
following, there’s another wooden
wreck that was once a Taiwanese
fishing junk. Now the remnants are
the home of a good number of
cardinalfish and anthias. This
attracts the beautiful coral groupers
and lots of small damsels. There’s
still and old, encrusted engine, the
ballast stones can be seen aft and
there’s part of the stern.
Look for cuttlefish around the
wreck, some butterflyfish and
puffers. Frogfish also conceal
Sabang sea grasses