- Hole in the Wall
Location: Off Escarceo Point
Depth: 30 to 60 ft. (9 to 18m)
Range: Novice
The table corals below at this site
are healthy and they are in
consistently clear water. Drop down
to 30 ft. (9m) and then slowly head
down the reef. This site off Escarceo
Point is renowned for its sometimes
ferocious currents and riptides,
whirlpools and eddies. But that also
accounts for the healthy coral cover
that flows down this terraced and
seemingly landscaped layered drop.
That said, again, take an
experienced guide.
This is a popular dive and the
“Hole” itself is not that deep but is
found under a ridge and can be
missed if you don’t follow the
guide. You get there by swimming
along several drop-offs festooned
with hard and soft corals. This
brings you to the namesake hole at
around 45 ft. (13m). The hole itself
is about 5 ft. (1.5m) wide, which
allows a fully equipped diver to
easily pass through. Be careful not
to brush the side as it’s covered in
soft corals and invertebrates.
The wall falls away, so keep an
eye out into the blue for large
pelagics. Local divers have from
time to time reported seeing
mantas, whale sharks and other big
fish here and the nearby Canyons.
Head back up around a point at
about 50 ft. (15m) and through a
series of coral heads and sand and
finish up for deco at the same pretty
table top coral area entry point.
30) The Canyons
Location: Off Escarceo Point
Depth: 25-130 ft. (8-40 m)
An advanced site, The Canyons,
has always been one of the popular
adrenalin dives. Local knowledge of
the currents is imperative here, as
you must rely on the prevailing
current to sweep you into position
on this dive. After racing with the
current over several small drop-offs
festooned with big, golden
gorgonians and past thick schools of
The Canyons golden anthias, soft corals and