- Tangkaan MPA
Location: South of Padre Burgos
Depth: 10-100 ft. (3-30m)
angkaan is situated on a
peninsula south of Padre
Burgos. It has both a wall dive and
a angled coral slope. It drops down
to about 100 ft. (30m). There are
plenty of barrel sponges, green tree
corals and big tables corals as well
a number of big gorgonian fans.
There is an abundance of marine
life along the wall and reef.
Black frogfish are often seen
perched on the forest green
tubastrea coral trees. Divers see
macro life like pygmy seahorses and
nudibranchs and larger critters like
batfish, turtles and the occasional
whale shark. Tankaan is a marine
protected area.
Nearby Medicare Northand
Southhave been sanctuaries for
over five years, named from their
adjacent position to the Padre
Burgos medicare facility.
Saddleback anemonefish
Surfacing to a banca