
(datord125) #1

"Hope so." He gave her a tight smile before letting her go, placing a hand on Sirius's
shoulder before vacating the library.
"Is he okay?" Hermione asked worriedly.
"He's got a lot on his mind," Sirius said. "We've been going through a few stints of
nostalgia lately. Brought up some intense memories from the past." He shrugged and
slowly walked into the room, reaching for her bracelet-clad wrist and tugging her toward
him. "It's almost the day after your birthday."
She swallowed and nodded nervously.
"Before we dig into old magics and awkward adult conversations, will you allow an
old dog one last moment of recklessness?" he asked, his grey eyes dark and deep.
Her breath hitched in her throat, terrified that the warmth his touch was spreading
through her body was being caused by the magic she had used to bring him back to life. A
strong part of her doubted the authenticity of his affections, but she did not have the heart
to push him away, so she nodded her head in consent.
Sirius cupped her cheek with the palm of his hand and leant in toward her, ever so
lightly brushing his lips against hers. She could tell he wanted more. His hands were
shaking, and he appeared to be holding in a breath, leaving her struggling to think of how
to respond. She knew what she wanted to do, of course, but with Harry just upstairs, she
could not seem to find that infamous Gryffindor courage.
A shiver went down her spine, and she breathed in deeply. Sirius smelled like
firewhisky, leather, and the lingering hint of tobacco—which made her want to scold him
but not right then. Before she had a chance to properly react to his lips against hers, he
pulled away from her with a nervous stare.
"Happy birthday, kitten," he whispered, his fingers momentarily tightening their
hold on her. "No matter what happens... promise me you'll just try to be happy, all right?"
"Sirius, I don't underst―"
"Nope, no more talking until tomorrow. Now, open Remus's gift. He's been fussing
about it forever." He smiled and stepped away from her, moving toward the doors of the
library until, with what looked like great reluctance, he slipped out of the room.
Hermione exhaled slowly, trying to ease her racing heart. Why did Sirius have such
an effect on her? It had to be the magic. He had been so different since she had pulled him
from the veil. She remembered that, before he died, he sometimes avoided her while she

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