
(datord125) #1

stayed at Grimmauld Place—almost to the point where she thought he disliked her—which
hurt because she had always felt a little drawn to the mysterious wizard. Since he had
returned from the veil, Sirius had been overly attentive, protective of her, and abundantly
flirtatious, though she assumed he was that way with many women. However, she had
never seen him kiss another woman, and certainly not like how he had kissed her during
the battle. Or just now.
Refusing to get caught up in the mysteries of Sirius Black, Hermione turned her
attention to the crimson box on top of her new books. She smiled, thinking how silly it
was that Remus was so worried about her not liking his gift. He was always so thoughtful.
Despite the age difference and the fact that he had once been her professor, she considered
him one of her most treasured friends. She was certain to love whatever it was he gave her.
She picked up the small box and pulled on the gold ribbon. When her fingers touched it,
she realised it was not ribbon at all, but a small gold chain. She raised her brow at the
sensation, and her eyes grew wide in panic.
The chain suddenly glowed bright blue, and she felt a familiar tugging behind her
navel that screamed Portkey! to her experienced body. But there was also another familiar
Something she had not felt in years.
The feeling of flying backward, very, very fast.

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