
(datord125) #1

and nearly vomited from the mixture of stress and uncomfortable sensation associated with
Portkey travel.
This time, she actually did.
After spinning and speeding backward for what felt like at least twenty minutes,
Hermione slammed, feet first, into the ground. Her knees buckled on impact, and she hit
a cold floor, relishing the feel of the cool stone against her cheek. She felt briefly relieved
before her stomach lurched and she violently retched up the birthday cake that Mrs
Weasley had spent all day making for her.
It took several minutes for Hermione to regain her balance, but the moment she
did, she realised the gold chain was still clenched around her right hand while the crimson
box holding the end of the chain was in her opposite palm. She dropped them both
immediately and reached for her wand, only to find it missing.
"Fuck," Hermione whimpered, the expletive on her lips showing the stress of her
situation as it was something she rarely did.
Someone had planted a Portkey in her birthday present, she had essentially been
kidnapped, and, if she remembered correctly, her wand was sitting on the bookshelf just
inside her bedroom. She had not carried it with her during the birthday party since she saw
no reason to, especially since the war had ended.
With no way of testing the object magically, Hermione slowly reached for it,
assessing it by touch. When nothing happened, she let out a sigh of relief and pulled on it,
slowly bringing the other end out of the box. Her eyes widened as she lifted the pendant
that hung suspended on the gold chain.
It could not be mistaken for anything but a Time-Turner.
She paled at the sight of the instrument. "Okay, this is not good. So not good." She
felt her anxiety build as she scanned the room around her. Not Grimmauld Place, that
much was certain, but she still knew it well. Hogwarts. Specifically, what looked to be the
empty and undecorated classroom where she had spent years learning Defence Against the
Dark Arts.
It was that tiny factor that triggered something in her.
She reached for the crimson box the Time-Turner had been placed in and ripped
the lid off completely. Inside lay a typical birthday tag that read:

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