
(datord125) #1
Happy Birthday.

But it was not the tag that drew her attention—it was the neatly folded square of
parchment beneath it, nestled at the bottom of the small box. Hand shaking, she retrieved
the square and slowly opened it.
Her worst fears were confirmed. This was not some underhanded plot by an enemy.
This was not a prank by the Weasley twins. This was not a burst of accidental magic.
It was Remus.
He had done it on purpose.

Dearest Hermione,
First of all, you are safe. I plead for your forgiveness for what I've
done, but in all honesty, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either
betray you, my dear friend, by tricking you into accepting this gift, or betray
someone I loved a long time ago who made me promise to betray you. Please
know that I've spent years conflicted over the choice.
When I was much younger, I was given knowledge that I've protected
for many years. Knowledge, instructions, and a mission. That mission has
now been fulfilled, and you hold in your hand the fruit of my labours. You
might recognise the Time-Turner in your hand from when you entered the
Department of Mysteries to rescue Sirius. Once I saw it and recognised it for
what it was, I knew it was almost time. You needed to go back.
If I've charmed it properly, the instrument in your hands is not only
a Time-Turner but also a Portkey. Very clever, those Unspeakables.
Hopefully, you've been taken to Hogwarts, specifically the Defence Against
the Dark Arts classroom if I've done my calculations correctly. It should be
the first of August, 1971.
Again, I beg your forgiveness and hope that in time you'll
understand and forgive me. I'm only following the instructions of someone
who understood time better than I ever did. She told me that time was a loop.
Every action we take is the causation of destiny, time travel won't change
You remember in your third year when you went back in time to
save Sirius? You mentioned that the only reason Harry was able to conjure
his Patronus is because he'd already seen it conjured. This is how time works.
Which, unfortunately, means that nothing you do will change what is meant
to be. It breaks my heart to know this. To know that you will be your brave,
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