
(datord125) #1

had played on her, and she really was in 1971, then there was only one place where she
could get the help she needed.
"Chocolate Frogs," Hermione said to the gargoyle guarding the staircase that led to
the headmaster's office. It had been just over four months since she had last seen it. They
had won the war, and Harry had returned to the office to speak with Dumbledore's portrait,
making plans to securely hide the Elder Wand. The castle had been nearly destroyed,
though now it was nothing if not immaculate, or as immaculate as a centuries-old castle
could be.
The gargoyle moved, and Hermione made her way up the stairs and through the
open door. She was shocked to see how similar Dumbledore's office appeared to the one
years in the future. The desk was littered with the same small jumping trinkets and baubles
beside a large sweet dish that sat to the left side of the desk. On the right stood a large
golden perch where the most beautiful red and gold bird sat, chirping a sweet song.
"Hello, Fawkes," Hermione said softly, with great affection.
"Good evening," a voice came from the nearby shadowed window, and Hermione
let out a loud gasp. "Lovely sunset."
Hermione stared, wide-eyed, at the living figure of a slightly younger—and certainly
not dead—Albus Dumbledore. The old wizard's eyes shone a bright, unnatural blue that
sparkled with delight, mischief, and curiosity.
"I've always compared summer sunsets to the colours in a phoenix's tail. Wouldn't
you agree?"
"Yes, sir," she answered without hesitation.
"You seem to be familiar with the creatures. Or at the very least one of them. You
called Fawkes by his name. I can only presume that the two of you are acquainted?"
"Yes, sir."
"Loyal creatures. Mine especially, though I don't intend to boast."
Hermione smiled softly, knowing Fawkes's loyalty from Harry's stories of their
second year when the beautiful bird came to his aid, blinding a basilisk and ultimately saving
his life.
"He seems to trust you. I would like to think that I may put a great deal of trust in
his judgement of character."
"I hope that means you'll trust me then, sir," she said quietly, her nerves aflutter.

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